Auteur Topic: Importing SSL Certificate  (gelezen 3280 keer)

Offline bjornvelt

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Importing SSL Certificate
« Gepost op: 11 mei 2010, 10:29:00 »
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to import a certificate to use for the HTTPS encryption when logging onto the Synology.

I have created a self-signing certificate with the KeyChain app. for Snow Leopard iMac and exported the certificate and private key (which is based on a Server SSL key for self-signing).

Whenever I try to import the certificate and private key, I get the following error: "De bestandscodering moet opgeslagen worden als UTF-8."

Loosely translated: " The file coding/encoding needs to be saved as UTF-8". Unfortunately I do not know what this means. Can anyone help?


Bjorn (Velt)

Offline bjornvelt

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Re: Importing SSL Certificate
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 16 mei 2010, 19:08:03 »
Come on guys - can anyone please help?!? Synology ?!?

I bought Synology because I thought you guys had good support...

Offline Björn

Re: Importing SSL Certificate
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 16 mei 2010, 21:22:11 »
This is not THE official synology forum, but a Dutch-language community forum. This forum is not managed by synology but by users.

If you want support from synology you can use their support form, or if you like, the English official Synology forum found at

Verder willen we hier best met je meedenken, maar dan wel in het Nederlands. Ik zelf weet het antwoord op je vraag helaas niet, en aangezien je bericht nog door niemand beantwoord is denk ik dat niemand het antwoord weet ;)