Firmware => Synology DSM BETA versies => Topic gestart door: krekel op 26 september 2014, 10:59:36
Bij de Mac blijft het Cloudstation icoon staan in de taakbalk met de beschrijving "cloud-ui". Deze is niet weg te halen, dan sluit Cloudstation ook. Dit heb ik gemeld en het volgende bericht teruggekregen:
Dear user,
We thank you for participating the Disk Station Manager 5.1 beta program. We are glad and lucky that we have such insightful and generous user like you to share your valuable information with us. It' a known issue and we will fixed in the future release. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We thank you for your continual support and feel free to contact us for any further assistance.
Best regards,
Jason Ren
Issue type: Bug
Feedback: The icloud icon is in my task bar and I can't remove it. All packages have been updated.
Problem Reproduce Steps: This happened right after the upgrade
Product Information/Question Personal Information
Product: DS713+ Full Name:
Hard Drive Model: E-mail:
Client Operating System: Location: Europe & Russia / Netherlands
Category: Packages(Audio Station) 3rd-party application:
Ik kan er aan toevoegen dat dit zowel onder OSX 10.6 als OSX 10.9 gebeurd. Op al mijn mac's.