Auteur Topic: DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.  (gelezen 3201 keer)

Offline Birdy

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DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.
« Gepost op: 28 september 2021, 09:27:23 »
Version: 7.0.1-42218

Important notes
Before Update

The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. If you want to update to the latest version now, please go to Synology Download Center and manually update your DSM.
DSM 7.0.1 will restart your Synology NAS.
After installing DSM 7.0.1, you will not be able to downgrade to a previous DSM version.
Before updating, your Synology NAS should be running DSM 6.2 or above versions.
Reserve extra time to complete DSM 7.0.1 update. The DSM update takes 10 to 20 minutes, while the package update may take more than an hour. The actual time depends on the computing power of your model, the number of media indexing files, and the number of packages installed.
If you're performing a clean installation, make sure to complete the installation with or Synology Assistant 7.0-50029 or above.
To avoid possible compatibility issues, users who installed Active Insight, Synology Photos, and Secure SignIn mobile applications during DSM 7.0 Preview/Beta programs should update the applications to the latest version after the DSM update.
DSM 7.0.1 consumes more system resources, including memory. Make sure your NAS has at least 1 GB of memory before updating.
This version of DSM is compatible with the models below.
FS-Series: FS6400, FS3600, FS3400, FS3017, FS2017, FS1018
SA-Series: SA3600, SA3400, SA3200D
21-Series: RS2821RP+, RS2421RP+, RS2421+, RS1221RP+, RS1221+, DS1821+, DS1621+, DS1621xs+, DVA3221, RS4021xs+, RS3621xs+, RS3621RPxs
20-Series: RS820RP+, RS820+, DS1520+, DS920+, DS720+, DS620slim, DS420+, DS420j, DS220+, DS220j, DS120j
19-Series: RS1219+, RS819, DS2419+II, DS2419+, DS1819+, DS1019+, DS419slim, DS119j, DVA3219, RS1619xs+
18-Series: RS2818RP+, RS2418RP+, RS2418+, RS818RP+, RS818+, DS1618+, DS918+, DS718+, DS418, DS418play, DS418j, DS218+, DS218, DS218play, DS218j, DS118, RS3618xs, DS3018xs
17-Series: RS217, DS1817+, DS1817, DS1517+, DS1517, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, RS18017xs+, DS3617xs, DS3617xsII
16-Series: RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS816, DS916+, DS716+II, DS716+, DS416, DS416play, DS416slim, DS416j, DS216+II, DS216+, DS216, DS216play, DS216j, DS216se, DS116, RS18016xs+
15-Series: RS815RP+, RS815+, RS815, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS1515, DS715, DS415+, DS415play, DS215+, DS215j, DS115, DS115j, RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2015xs
14-Series: RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214play, DS214se, DS114, RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs
13-Series: DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, DS213j, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+
For the models below, you can only download the upgrade patch from Synology Download Center because you won't receive notifications for this update on your DSM.
15-Series: RS815RP+, RS815+, RS815, DS2415+, DS1815+, DS1515+, DS1515, DS715, DS415+, DS415play, DS215+, DS215j, DS115, DS115j, RC18015xs+, DS3615xs, DS2015xs
14-Series: RS2414RP+, RS2414+, RS814RP+, RS814+, RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214play, DS214se, DS114, RS3614xs+, RS3614xs, RS3614RPxs
13-Series: DS2413+, DS1813+, DS1513+, DS713+, DS213j, RS3413xs+, RS10613xs+

USB devices (Wi-Fi dongle, Bluetooth dongle, 3G/4G dongle, USB DAC/speaker, and DTV dongle) are no longer supported. If your Synology NAS is currently connected via a wireless dongle, it will be disconnected after the update.
DSM 7.0.1 ends support for ext3. We strongly suggest backing up the data stored on your ext3 volumes and transferring the data to volumes with supported file systems before the update.
DSM 7.0.1 by default disables NTLMv1 and enables NTMLv2 only, so SMB clients (e.g., Windows XP devices, media players, network printers, smart TVs, and IP cameras) won’t be able to access your Synology NAS. To restore the connection after the update, go to Control Panel > File Services > SMB > Advanced Settings > Others and enable NTLMv1 authentication.
NFSv4.1 and related advanced functions (multipathing) are no longer supported on Synology NAS models with the following package architectures: Alpine, Alpine4k, armada38x, Avoton, Braswell, Bromolow, Cedarview, Grantley, Monaco. If you had previously enabled NFSv4 and NFSv4.1, the maximum NFS protocol is set to NFSv4 by default after the update. For more information about the package architecture of your model, please refer to this article.
Creating SSD caches on block-level LUNs is no longer supported. Existing SSD caches for block LUNs will function normally after the update.
NT4 domains are no longer supported. Current NT4 domains will be unavailable after the update.
The URLs used by DSM when updating or running services have been modified. Please read this article and make sure that your firewall rules are configured appropriately.
iSCSI Manager will become SAN Manager. Please refer to package release notes for more details.
When you reconnect to iSCSI targets from your VMware ESXi hosts after the DSM update, the datastores on the LUNs that are mapped to the targets may not be mounted properly. This only happens to LUNs created before the update. The resolution can be found in VMware Knowledge Base.
To provide comprehensive TLS support and ensure compatibility, the TLS/SSL profile level in Modern compatibility will automatically change to Intermediate Compatibility after the update.
EZ-Internet is merged with Router Configuration in Control Panel. To set up port forwarding, go to Control Panel > External Access > Router Configuration.
Python3 is merged into DSM as a built-in service. The original Python3 package will be unavailable in Package Center and you can remove it manually.
The following DDNS providers are removed from the service provider list at Control Panel > External Access > DDNS:
ClouDNS, DNO-O-Matic, DNSEXIT, Dynamic DO!.jp,, RU-CENTER,, Variomedia,
The updated QuickConnect connection is secured with an SSL certificate, and your QuickConnect domain will be passed to Let's Encrypt for certificate application purposes. Please refer to the Services Data Collection Disclosure for more details.
Security Advisor by default enables Login Analysis and certain custom account detection check items after the update.
Video conversion to FLV and MPEG-4 Part 2 formats on the following models is no longer supported.
20-Series: DS120j
19-Series: DS119j
16-Series: DS216se
15-Series: DS215j, DS115, DS115j
14-Series: RS814, RS214, DS414, DS414slim, DS414j, DS214+, DS214, DS214se, DS114
13-Series: DS213j
Hybrid Share Service is built-in with DSM 7.0.1 and is currently in beta. It will be installed along with the update.

Synology Moments and Photo Station will be upgraded to and merged as Synology Photos. If you would like to use Synology Photos on your mobile devices, please install the iOS/Android app. See this page for more details.
Cloud Station Server and Cloud Station ShareSync will be upgraded to and merged with Synology Drive Server. If you are using any Cloud Station Suite applications (Cloud Station Server, Cloud Station Drive, Cloud Station Backup, Cloud Station ShareSync, or DS cloud), you must switch to their counterparts in the Synology Drive Suite to ensure compatibility. See this page for more details.
MariaDB 5 is incompatible with DSM 7.0.1. To update to DSM 7.0.1, please install MariaDB 10, migrate the database, and uninstall MariaDB 5 in Package Center first.
If you cannot find certain Synology approved third-party packages in Package Center, check this article for the latest status of the packages. For other third-party packages, please contact their developers for more information.
The following packages are no longer supported:
Cloud Station Server (replaced by Synology Drive Server), Cloud Station ShareSync (replaced by Synology Drive Server), Discourse, DokuWiki, Drupal, Drupal8, DVBLink, GitLab, GLPI, Hasplm, Java7, Java8, LimeSurvey, Logitech® Media Server, LXQt, Magento, Magento2, MantisBT, Moments (replaced by Synology Photos), Mono, Moodle, Node.js 0.10, Node.js 0.12, Node.js v4, Node.js v6, Node.js v8, Odoo 8, OpenERP 6.1, OpenERP 7.0, OrangeHRM, Orthanc, osCommerce, osTicket, PHP PEAR, Photo Station (replaced by Synology Photos), phpBB, Piwik, Podcast Generator, PrestaShop, PrestaShop1.7, PythonModule, Redmine, Ruby, Spree, SugarCRM, SVN, Synology File Manager, Tomcat6, Tomcat7, TVMosaic, Webalizer.
After you update to Web Station 3.0.0-0308, a web_packages shared folder will be created by default to store files from installed third-party packages (e.g., phpMyAdmin).
What’s New
Supports migrating SA3200D system configurations when users perform HDD migration.
Added support for memory cache mirroring across controllers for better data consistency on SA3200D.
Added support for the "Sync remote mounted folders" option for Shared Folder Sync.
Supports creating volumes of up to 1 PB in Btrfs (Peta Volume) format on the XS/XS+, SA (SA3200D excluded), and FS-series models. (Learn more)
Added support for data deduplication on Btrfs volumes on certain models. (Learn more)
Supports notifying users when there is insufficient storage for metadata.
Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1l to fix multiple security vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-3711, CVE-2021-3712).
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where DSM might not automatically reconnect to a VPN after disconnection.
Fixed the sorting issue on the View Details page in Resource Monitor > Performance > Disks when a USB drive is connected.
Fixed an issue where the display in Volume Settings in Storage Manager was incorrect once users pinned the desktop widgets.
Fixed an issue where the throughput in Resource Monitor might not be displayed correctly when the system network traffic or the throughput of disks or volumes was heavy.
Fixed an issue where when users used third-party extensions to change the DSM theme, they couldn't customize the wallpaper.
Fixed an issue where when non-administrator users shared files with password-protected links, the file names were displayed incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where a healthy drive might be falsely detected as malfunctioning after it was swapped with a failed drive in the same storage pool when the system was shut down. The issue would cause the degraded storage pool to crash or become missing.
Fixed an issue where users couldn't import Docker container configuration files from local computers.
Fixed an issue where certain packages couldn't be installed when the built-in "DSM UI Compatible 6.x" package is missing.
Fixed an issue where package statuses might be stuck at "Getting Status" in Package Center.
Fixed an issue where filters might not work when users edit domain user or group privileges at Control Panel > Application Privileges.
Fixed an issue where Security Advisor didn't apply the security baseline setting for the first scan.
Fixed an issue where users given the "Local user and management" privilege couldn't perform the assigned actions.
Fixed an issue where users who had taken snapshots of a shared folder couldn't disable the usage detail analysis of the shared folder's volume in Storage Manager.
Fixed an issue where automatic configuration backup might fail under certain conditions.
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding GhostScript used by AirPrint. (CVE-2021-3781).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities. (Synology-SA-21:25)

CS406      DSM 2.0-0731    DS508      DSM 4.0-2265      DS411+II  DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS115J    DSM 7.1.1-42962-7   DS918+    DSM 6.2.4-25556-8
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS411slim  DSM 6.2.4-25556   DS213J    DSM 6.2.4-25556-7   DS1515+   DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS220+    DSM 7.2.2-72806-3
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS111      DSM 5.2-5967-9    DS413J    DSM 6.2.3-25426-2   DS716+II  DSM 7.2.2-72806-3   RT2600ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12
BeeDrive   1TB             BeeStation BSM 1.2-65586                                                                 MR2200ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12

Offline Birdy

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Re: DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 28 september 2021, 10:11:44 »
Geïnstalleerd op m'n DS220+ in VMM, ging vlekkeloos.

CS406      DSM 2.0-0731    DS508      DSM 4.0-2265      DS411+II  DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS115J    DSM 7.1.1-42962-7   DS918+    DSM 6.2.4-25556-8
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS411slim  DSM 6.2.4-25556   DS213J    DSM 6.2.4-25556-7   DS1515+   DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS220+    DSM 7.2.2-72806-3
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS111      DSM 5.2-5967-9    DS413J    DSM 6.2.3-25426-2   DS716+II  DSM 7.2.2-72806-3   RT2600ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12
BeeDrive   1TB             BeeStation BSM 1.2-65586                                                                 MR2200ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12

Offline André PE1PQX

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  • 1st computer rule: GIGO -> Garbage in, Garbage out
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Re: DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 28 september 2021, 11:29:42 »
Met DSM 7.0-41890  kreeg ik de mededeling dat er geen internetverbinding was, na update weer wel. (misschien ééns in de week een reboot doen?)

Oh well, het werkt gewoon.....
"Anyone who sits on top of the largest hydrogen-oxygen fueled system in the world; knowing they're going to light the bottom - and doesn't get a little worried - does not fully understand the situation" - John Young, Astronaut

DS918+ -> 4x 4TB in RAID5 met 4Gbyte RAM extra (DSM7.2, backup systeem voor PC's)
DS218+ -> 2x 8TB met 4Gbyte RAM extra (DSM 7.2, Mailplus server en client + OpenVPN server)
DS220j -> 1x 8TB + 3TB (DSM7.2)
DS214+ -> 2x 6TB (DSM7.1.1)
DS120j -> 1x 6TB (DSM7.2, off-site backup)

Offline Hofstede

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Re: DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 28 september 2021, 15:13:02 »
Dit zijn de verschillen t.o.v. de 7.0.1 RC:

-Updated OpenSSL to version 1.1.1l to fix multiple security vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-3711, CVE-2021-3712).

Fixed an issue where users couldn't import Docker container configuration files from local computers.
Fixed an issue where certain packages couldn't be installed when the built-in "DSM UI Compatible 6.x" package is missing.
Fixed an issue where package statuses might be stuck at "Getting Status" in Package Center.
Fixed an issue where filters might not work when users edit domain user or group privileges at Control Panel > Application Privileges.
Fixed an issue where Security Advisor didn't apply the security baseline setting for the first scan.
Fixed an issue where users given the "Local user and management" privilege couldn't perform the assigned actions.
Fixed an issue where users who had taken snapshots of a shared folder couldn't disable the usage detail analysis of the shared folder's volume in Storage Manager.
Fixed an issue where automatic configuration backup might fail under certain conditions.
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding GhostScript used by AirPrint. (CVE-2021-3781).

Offline Willem O

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Re: DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 29 september 2021, 16:35:38 »
Is het verstandig om deze met de hand te updaten, of kan ik beter wachten tot DSM erom vraagt.
  • Mijn Synology: DS920+
  • HDD's: 3x WD Red Nas 4Tb
DSM 7.0-41890

Offline Birdy

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Re: DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 29 september 2021, 17:03:07 »
Dat is lastig te beantwoorden, het wil wel eens gebeuren, dat een update wordt teruggetrokken omdat er fouten in zitten, die zijn gemeld door vroege vogels.

CS406      DSM 2.0-0731    DS508      DSM 4.0-2265      DS411+II  DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS115J    DSM 7.1.1-42962-7   DS918+    DSM 6.2.4-25556-8
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS411slim  DSM 6.2.4-25556   DS213J    DSM 6.2.4-25556-7   DS1515+   DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS220+    DSM 7.2.2-72806-3
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS111      DSM 5.2-5967-9    DS413J    DSM 6.2.3-25426-2   DS716+II  DSM 7.2.2-72806-3   RT2600ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12
BeeDrive   1TB             BeeStation BSM 1.2-65586                                                                 MR2200ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12

Offline almodovaris

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Re: DSM 7.0.1-42218 is released.
« Reactie #6 Gepost op: 24 oktober 2021, 21:44:54 »
Opnieuw gereleased op 21 oktober 2021 (nieuw: patch voor Samba).

Mijn kernel is nu Linux synology 4.4.180+ #42218 SMP Mon Oct 18 19:16:01 CST 2021, dus SMB is niet de enige wijziging.

CST is voor Saskatchewan, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua en Costa Rica.
  • Mijn Synology: DS418
  • HDD's: 3xST6000DM003 1x8TB


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