Auteur Topic: Cloud Syncing Surveillance folder naar Google Drive  (gelezen 3955 keer)

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Cloud Syncing Surveillance folder naar Google Drive
« Gepost op: 27 februari 2014, 17:13:01 »
Via Cloud Sync sync ik nu mijn homes/admin/CloudStation  naar Google Drive... maar ik krijg het niet voor mekaar om mijn surveillance folder in te stellen zodat hij onder onder de CloudStation folder komt te liggen. Het doel is om alle opgenomen beelden automatisch in de Google cloud te krijgen. Suggesties ?
  • Mijn Synology: DS112+
  • HDD's: WD

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Re: Cloud Syncing Surveillance folder naar Google Drive
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 12 maart 2014, 13:21:50 »

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9300 met Tapatalk

  • Mijn Synology: DS112+
  • HDD's: WD

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Re: Cloud Syncing Surveillance folder naar Google Drive - IT WORKS !!!
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 30 april 2014, 09:57:04 »
Below a summary of how I am able to sync the camera recordings of camera Thuis with CloudSync to Google Drive. The CloudSync app is configured to pick up everything below '/volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/'.

There is no need for installing additional packages. The solution is based around the Unix/Linux instruction mount which allows us to repoint the 'not for CloudSync accessible' folders to a place where they will be picked up by CloudSync automatically.

In order to have the solution still working after restarting your NAS there is a need to create a script that will be executed during start-up and shutdown.
As this is plain Linux tweaking I would assume the solution is working irrespective the type of NAS you have. I did it on the DS112+ with DSM 5.0.

I haven't seen any side effects so far. I also tested the DSCam app on mobile, NAS and laptop and it was still behaving as expected.

1. Download putty en enter the IP-address of your NAS e.g.
2. login as root and enter the same password as you use when logging in as admin
3. I opened the surveillance station app and deleted all recordings of Thuis
4. In Putty enter now 'cd /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/' and then create a folder by entering mkdir Thuis
5. cd /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/
6. vi
7. enter below instructions

# mount/bind some folders on startup
# and umount them on shutdown/reboot

case $1 in
        /bin/mount --bind /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/Thuis  /volume1/surveillance/Thuis
        /bin/umount /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/Thuis
        echo "Usages: $0 [start|stop]"

8. chmod 755 /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/
9. test the start script by entering ./ start
10. Make sure Cloud Sync is active
11. Now make your camera make a recording by making some movements for instance.
12. You should see the recordings now showing up under the folder /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/Thuis
13. You will notice CloudSync picking up the file once it has been created and in less than 30 seconds I noticed I could replay it from my Google Drive.

Good luck !

  • Mijn Synology: DS112+
  • HDD's: WD


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