Below a summary of how I am able to sync the camera recordings of camera Thuis with CloudSync to Google Drive. The CloudSync app is configured to pick up everything below '/volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/'.
There is no need for installing additional packages. The solution is based around the Unix/Linux instruction mount which allows us to repoint the 'not for CloudSync accessible' folders to a place where they will be picked up by CloudSync automatically.
In order to have the solution still working after restarting your NAS there is a need to create a script that will be executed during start-up and shutdown.
As this is plain Linux tweaking I would assume the solution is working irrespective the type of NAS you have. I did it on the DS112+ with DSM 5.0.
I haven't seen any side effects so far. I also tested the DSCam app on mobile, NAS and laptop and it was still behaving as expected.
1. Download putty en enter the IP-address of your NAS e.g.
2. login as root and enter the same password as you use when logging in as admin
3. I opened the surveillance station app and deleted all recordings of Thuis
4. In Putty enter now 'cd /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/' and then create a folder by entering mkdir Thuis
5. cd /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/
6. vi
7. enter below instructions
# mount/bind some folders on startup
# and umount them on shutdown/reboot
case $1 in
/bin/mount --bind /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/Thuis /volume1/surveillance/Thuis
/bin/umount /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/Thuis
echo "Usages: $0 [start|stop]"
8. chmod 755 /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/
9. test the start script by entering ./ start
10. Make sure Cloud Sync is active
11. Now make your camera make a recording by making some movements for instance.
12. You should see the recordings now showing up under the folder /volume1/homes/admin/CloudStation/Thuis
13. You will notice CloudSync picking up the file once it has been created and in less than 30 seconds I noticed I could replay it from my Google Drive.
Good luck !