Auteur Topic: [Opgelost?] HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.  (gelezen 32006 keer)

Offline maslov

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer. (Opgelost)
« Reactie #30 Gepost op: 22 september 2012, 01:09:31 »
Dat lijstje heb ik niet bedacht maar dat komt van Synology.

Als iemand problemen heeft met hibernate dan zou ik vooral deze hele lijst wel degelijk serieus nemen. Dit geldt voor DSM 4.1. Als je al jaren lang geen problemen had en je kunt je niet voorstellen dat een usb-schijfje het probleem kan veroorzaken, zegt dat niet zoveel. Je helpt er in ieder geval niemand mee.
DS413  DS211+  RT1900AC

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer. (Opgelost)
« Reactie #31 Gepost op: 26 september 2012, 02:44:22 »
oops, sorry, zie het bericht nu pas. Had vorige keer niet aangevinkt om op de hoogte te blijven van nieuwe reacties.

Heb men nieuwe DS413 intussen teruggezet naar fabrieksinstellingen en met slechts één HD erin.
Verder nog niets geïnstalleerd.
Heb voor de zekerheid nu zelfs nog geen poging gedaan vanop men Mac's om de HD op de NAS te bereiken. Hij staat wel netjes in men Finder navigatie kolom. Maar dus grotendeels van de tijd aan zolang ik de LAN kabel in laat steken.

@Maslow: die patch dus al aanbrengen op een nieuw toestel?
Ja, iets in mijn netwerk probeert blijkbaar voortdurend de NAS te bereiken. Maar wat? Een Apple airport extreem router gaat toch geen verschil uitmaken men andere merken routers hoop ik.
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline macxbo

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #32 Gepost op: 26 september 2012, 03:11:53 »
Citaat van: "maslov"
Heb van Support de volgende fix gekregen:
ftp://on-line:online_user@ftp.synology. ... 1.2636.pat
Waarschijnlijk dezelfde als de bovenstaande.
Ben nu bezig om deze te installeren.
Als ik op je link klik krijg ik een 'unknow' bestand zonder extensie binnen. Maar ik zie dat het over een 2bay model gaat. Mijn DS413 is een 4bay.

De recentste firmware patch voor mijn model heb ik reeds geïnstalleerd: ... ys&m=DS413

Maar blijkbaar moet ik nog een speciale 'sleep' patch vinden.
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline maslov

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer. (Opgelost)
« Reactie #33 Gepost op: 26 september 2012, 12:58:17 »
Die patch voor het sleep-probleem kan ik nog steeds downloaden. De link werkt bij mij nog steeds. Maar deze patch is wel bestemd voor een 2-bay NAS. Ik vermoed dat deze patch niet bedoeld is voor een 4-bay NAS, dus dat moet je even uitzoeken.

Maar ik begrijp uit je reactie dat je NAS wel in hibernate gaat als je de LAN-kabel eruit haalt. Dat betekent volgens mij dat het probleem dus niet in je NAS zit maar ergens in je netwerk. Misschien kun je de log bekijken zoals ergens in een eerdere post van mij staat beschreven.
DS413  DS211+  RT1900AC

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer. (Opgelost)
« Reactie #34 Gepost op: 26 september 2012, 14:23:37 »
Hoidi Maslov.
- Je patch link werk inderdaad nog steeds. Maar onder OS X krijg ik een bestand binnen onder de naam 'unknown' zonder extensie. Onder windows gedownload (via parallels) wel degelijk 'fix2BaySleep-4.1.2636.pat'. Gevolg van platform verschil. Maar het is toch niet voor mijn 4-bay.

- Klopt, met LAN-kabel uit de NAS werkt hibernate zoals het hoort. Heb de log proberen te bekijken aan de hand van je 'How To Retrieve The Hibernation Debug Log.doc' bestand (gewoon gedownload onder OS X), maar verder dan stap A geraakte ik voorbije nacht niet.  :oops:

Deze link ... _Interface
is al iets uitgebreider, maar nog steeds voor windowsgebruikers.
Effe op een Mac forum waar Synology word aanbevolen gaan informeren. tot later.
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline macxbo

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer. (Opgelost)
« Reactie #35 Gepost op: 26 september 2012, 17:08:26 »
Intussen word ik geholpen op een Mac forum m.b.t de synology log te bekijken. Het lukt, maar ik snap er voorlopig niets meer van. :-)
Voor wie wil meekijken: ... -probleem/
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline macxbo

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Re: [Opgelost] HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #36 Gepost op: 28 september 2012, 01:49:13 »
Heb de log kunnen bekijken op men op men nieuwe DS413
Wil iemand is kijken wat hier verdacht uitziet aub.
Dank bij voorbaat.

Last login: Fri Sep 28 01:11:43 on ttys000
bonimac27:~ BoniMac$ telnet
telnet> open
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

NAS-DS413 login: admin
Login incorrect
NAS-DS413 login: admin
login: can't chdir to home directory '/var/services/homes/admin'

BusyBox v1.16.1 (2012-08-30 00:03:35 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

NAS-DS413> cd /var/log/
NAS-DS413> cat messages
Sep 27 23:13:53 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:14:56 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.552794] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.565634] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.581642] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.589006] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.591435] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.795562] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.795597] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.795621] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.795645] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78758.811379] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.359653] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.359681] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.359689] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.359695] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.360431] Processor 1 found.
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471159] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471163] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471166] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471170] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471173] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471177] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471180] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471226] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471232] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471237] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471270] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471275] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471280] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.471285] CPU1 is up
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.999060] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78759.999085] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78762.048901] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 27 23:27:15 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:290 Fail to insert the usb module: ehci_hcd
Sep 27 23:27:15 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:293 Fail to insert the usb module: ohci_hcd
Sep 27 23:27:15 kernel: [78762.234212] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 27 23:27:15 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:296 Fail to insert the usb module: xhci_hcd
Sep 27 23:27:15 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:30:06 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.135879] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.149702] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.161452] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.168806] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.169607] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.371668] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.371703] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.371728] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.371752] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.387479] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.935707] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.935735] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.935743] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.935749] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79461.936503] Processor 1 found.
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047249] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047253] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047256] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047260] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047263] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047267] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047270] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047314] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047320] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047325] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047359] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047364] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047369] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.047374] CPU1 is up
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.575151] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79462.575175] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 27 23:41:46 kernel: [79464.768975] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 27 23:41:47 kernel: [79464.965582] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 27 23:41:47 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 27 23:50:11 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80164.855978] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80164.869780] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80164.882389] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80164.889786] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80164.890559] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.091761] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.091796] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.091821] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.091845] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.107552] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.655801] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.655829] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.655836] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.655842] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.656597] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767331] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767335] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767338] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767342] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767345] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767349] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767352] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767397] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767403] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767408] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767441] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767446] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767451] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80165.767456] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80166.295229] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80166.295255] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80168.361059] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 00:01:52 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:293 Fail to insert the usb module: ohci_hcd
Sep 28 00:01:52 kernel: [80168.554727] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 00:01:52 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:296 Fail to insert the usb module: xhci_hcd
Sep 28 00:01:52 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:02:07 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.259995] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.267228] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.274602] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.281778] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.281811] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.483837] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.483871] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.483896] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.483920] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80871.499623] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.047901] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.047929] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.047937] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.047943] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.048713] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159419] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159423] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159427] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159431] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159434] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159438] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159441] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159487] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159493] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159498] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159531] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159536] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159541] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.159546] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.687314] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80872.687339] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80874.865206] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 00:13:51 kernel: [80875.067610] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 00:13:52 scemd: SCEMD: disk 1 wake up from hibernation
Sep 28 00:13:52 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:21:00 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.096129] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.109952] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.125965] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.133317] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.137276] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.339953] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.339988] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.340013] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.340037] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.355729] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.903973] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.904002] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.904009] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.904015] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81612.904792] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015499] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015503] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015507] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015510] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015513] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015517] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015520] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015565] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015571] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015576] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015610] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015616] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015621] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.015625] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.543398] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81613.543423] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81615.833231] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 00:33:19 kernel: [81616.030874] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 00:33:19 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:46:27 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:58:04 kernel: [82314.874866] xhci_hcd 0002:05:00.0: Host controller not halted, try halt again.
Sep 28 00:58:06 kernel: [82316.879406] xhci_hcd 0002:05:00.0: Host controller not halted, aborting reset!
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.752158] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.759322] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.766695] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.773871] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.773904] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.976026] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.976061] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.976085] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.976110] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82320.991797] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.540090] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.540119] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.540126] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.540132] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.540915] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623596] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623600] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623604] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623607] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623611] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623614] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623618] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623664] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623670] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623675] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623709] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623715] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623720] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82321.623724] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82322.151483] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82322.151508] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82324.457375] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 00:58:13 kernel: [82324.656296] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 00:58:13 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:296 Fail to insert the usb module: xhci_hcd
Sep 28 00:58:14 scemd: SCEMD: disk 1 wake up from hibernation
Sep 28 00:58:14 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 00:58:44 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.692325] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.699838] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.714136] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.721380] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.727495] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.932139] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.932173] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.932198] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.932222] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83061.947886] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.496151] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.496180] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.496187] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.496193] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.496984] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579673] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579677] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579681] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579684] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579688] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579691] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579695] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579740] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579746] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579751] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579784] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579789] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579794] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83062.579799] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83063.107567] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83063.107592] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83065.269403] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 01:11:03 kernel: [83065.463238] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 01:11:03 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:11:57 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.376417] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.384425] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.394957] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.402359] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.415612] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.620237] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.620272] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.620297] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.620321] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83764.635972] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.184210] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.184239] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.184246] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.184252] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.185053] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295751] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295755] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295759] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295763] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295766] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295770] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295773] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295818] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295824] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295829] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295863] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295868] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295873] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.295878] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.823652] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83765.823677] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:23:38 kernel: [83768.017483] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 01:23:38 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:290 Fail to insert the usb module: ehci_hcd
Sep 28 01:23:38 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:293 Fail to insert the usb module: ohci_hcd
Sep 28 01:23:39 kernel: [83768.211831] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 01:23:39 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:296 Fail to insert the usb module: xhci_hcd
Sep 28 01:23:39 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:24:21 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.100479] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.114310] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.125861] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.133275] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.134590] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.336332] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.336367] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.336391] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.336415] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.352072] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.900301] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.900329] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.900337] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.900343] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.901154] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983842] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983846] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983850] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983854] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983857] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983861] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983864] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983910] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983916] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983921] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983955] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983961] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983965] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84467.983970] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84468.511737] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84468.511762] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84470.801566] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 01:36:03 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:290 Fail to insert the usb module: ehci_hcd
Sep 28 01:36:03 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:293 Fail to insert the usb module: ohci_hcd
Sep 28 01:36:03 kernel: [84470.996011] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 01:36:03 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:296 Fail to insert the usb module: xhci_hcd
Sep 28 01:36:03 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:36:27 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85169.904641] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85169.913187] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85169.926404] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85169.934429] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85169.941668] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.144417] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.144453] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.144477] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.144502] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.160157] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.708395] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.708423] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.708431] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.708437] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 0
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.709258] Processor 1 found.
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819921] 0: 533333kHz
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819925] 1: 799999kHz
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819929] 2: 1066666kHz
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819932] 3: 1333332kHz
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819936] 4: 1599999kHz
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819939] 5: 1866665kHz
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819943] 6: 2133332kHz
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819988] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819993] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.819998] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.820032] setting frequency for cpu 1 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.820037] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.820042] PORPLLSR core freq 1066MHz at CPU 1
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85170.820047] CPU1 is up
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85171.347821] ata5: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85171.347846] ata6: No Device OR PHYRDY change,Hstatus = 0xa0000000
Sep 28 01:48:07 kernel: [85173.653660] Restarting tasks ... done.
Sep 28 01:48:08 kernel: [85173.854700] usb usb2: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1  interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
Sep 28 01:48:08 scemd: modules/disk_hibernation.c:1957 Diskstation wakes up from deep sleep.
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb1
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb1
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb1, /proc/bus/usb/001/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/001/001, usbid=1d6b:0002:fsl-ehci.0
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/001/001
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVPATH:1-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVPATH:usb2
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:807 Fail to recognize usb DEVNAME=, DEVPATH=usb2
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1331 failed to setup usb config, (DEVPATH, DEVICE, ACTION, DEVNAME, INTERFACE)=(usb2, /proc/bus/usb/002/001, add, , )
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1033 failed get usb status from usb config, DEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/002/001, usbid=1d6b:0003:0002:05:00.0
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: ##### ACTION:add
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVICE:/proc/bus/usb/002/001
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: DEVPATH:2-0:1.0
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:usb
Sep 28 01:48:36 hotplugd: INTERFACE:9/0/0
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.744634] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.755712] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.00 seconds) done.
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.767723] Suspending console(s) (use no_console_suspend to debug)
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.775197] ata6: send port disabled event
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.775932] ata5: send port disabled event
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.980528] ata1: send port disabled event
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.980564] ata2: send port disabled event
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.980588] ata3: send port disabled event
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.980612] ata4: send port disabled event
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85872.996242] Disabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85873.544484] Enabling non-boot CPUs ...
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85873.544512] setting frequency for cpu 0 to 1066666 kHz, PLL ratio is 4/2
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel: [85873.544520] PMJCR request 04043c00 at CPU 0
Sep 28 02:00:16 kernel:
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline hvb83

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer. (Opgelost)
« Reactie #37 Gepost op: 29 september 2012, 19:13:11 »
Citaat van: "maslov"
Dat lijstje heb ik niet bedacht maar dat komt van Synology.

Als iemand problemen heeft met hibernate dan zou ik vooral deze hele lijst wel degelijk serieus nemen. Dit geldt voor DSM 4.1. Als je al jaren lang geen problemen had en je kunt je niet voorstellen dat een usb-schijfje het probleem kan veroorzaken, zegt dat niet zoveel. Je helpt er in ieder geval niemand mee.

Ik zeg ook niet dat het niet kan, ik zeg alleen dat je het lijstje met enige nuancering moet lezen. De Synology helpdesk is absoluut hulpvaardig en kundig, maar het Engels is af en toe wat krom. Nu lijkt het net alsof alles wat in dat lijstje staat ervoor zorgt dat je Syno niet meer zal hybernaten en dat is natuurlijk niet waar, het kan, maar het hoeft niet, dat was het enige wat ik ermee wilde zeggen.

Offline macxbo

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Re: [Opgelost] HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #38 Gepost op: 02 oktober 2012, 00:39:02 »
zojuist nog is gegoogled en dit gevonden:
DS Not Hibernation after Upgrade to 4.1-2636

Op pag 7, 2de post door @CloSeR:
"My brand new DS413 running 4.1-2636 has also been waking up almost instantly after entering hibernation. It's still pretty default as per configuration however I disabled MAC and Windows File Sharing as initially thought that was preventing sleep.
That didn't help, it would only sleep if I disconnect the ethernet patch cable isolating the NAS. "

Op pag. 10 1ste post door @ds7771:
"I believe the problem is not related to incoming network requests.  Rather, it seems that the diskstation is making outbound network requests on its own, which causes it to wake from hibernation.  I've confirmed this by blocking all ports in the firewall (except for 5000 and 5001 which cannot be blocked from admin access), disabling all packages and services, and closing all ports on the LAN router.  Even with all incoming network traffic blocked, diskstation seems to want to make outbound network requests when the LAN is plugged in.  The only way to make it hibernate permanently is to disconnect the LAN entirely."

Volgens de eerste poster, eveneens met een nieuwe DS413 zoals ik heeft Synoloy hem een email gestuurd:

"Just had an email from Synology, informing me that there is a hot-fix coming out soon. No date has been specified, but I hope it will be soon."

Zal ik ook maar gewoon effe wachten op die hot-fix.
Inmiddels al een ticket gestuurd naar Synology.
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline macxbo

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer. (Opgelost)
« Reactie #39 Gepost op: 02 oktober 2012, 01:45:09 »
Citaat van: "maslov"
Het lijkt er overigens op dat het probleem bij jou niet in de NAS zit maar in je netwerk. Bij mij ging de NAS niet in hibernate na het loskoppelen van de netwerkkabel, bij jou gebeurt dat wel. Er zou dus iets in je netwerk kunnen zitten dat voortdurend probeert om de NAS te bereiken.
volgens @ds771 uit de link die ik geplaatst heb is het andersom: 'it seems that the diskstation is making outbound network requests on its own'.
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline macxbo

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Re: [Opgelost] HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #40 Gepost op: 02 oktober 2012, 14:55:53 »
Vandaag heeft Synology versie 4.1-2647 uitgebracht.
Voor zover ik kan zien de voorbije twee uur is het probleem opgelost op mijn DS413.
DS118      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) - DSM 7
DS216+II : 2 x 3TB (WD30EFRX-68AX9N0) in RAID-1. - DSM 7.2.1
DS414      : 1 x 8TB (WD80EFZX-68UW8N0) en 3 x 10TB (WD100EFAX-68LHPN0). - DSM 6
DS920+.   : 4 x 10TB WD RED - DSM 7.2.1

Offline slingshot

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Re: [Opgelost] HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #41 Gepost op: 10 oktober 2012, 09:23:15 »
Mijn probleem is hiermee nog niet opgelost.

Ik heb nu deze logging, heeft iemand nog een idee waarom hij niet gaat slapen.

De volgende regels vond ik wel interessant?
Oct 10 05:26:53 kernel: [104961.730000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 4073 [u:(scemd), comm:(scemd)]Ik heb de tijd synchronisatie functie ingeschakeld, kan dit ervoor zorgen dat de NAS ontwaakt?

Oct 10 05:26:53 kernel: [104961.730000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 4073 [u:(scemd), comm:(scemd)]
Oct 10 05:27:04 kernel: [104973.440000] drivers/scsi/sd.c[461]:syno_hibernation_timer_update(), sda: cmd 0x0 spin up by pid=4073, comm=scemd
Oct 10 05:27:11 kernel: [104973.460000] drivers/scsi/sd.c[461]:syno_hibernation_timer_update(), sdb: cmd 0x0 spin up by pid=4, comm=events/0
Oct 10 05:27:11 kernel: [104973.470000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:27:11 kernel: [104980.480000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:27:17 scemd: SCEMD: disk 1 wake up from hibernation
Oct 10 05:27:17 kernel: [104986.030000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:27:17 scemd: SCEMD: disk 2 wake up from hibernation
Oct 10 05:38:22 kernel: [105650.320000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 4073 [u:(scemd), comm:(scemd)]
Oct 10 05:38:33 kernel: [105662.060000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:38:39 kernel: [105668.000000] drivers/scsi/sd.c[461]:syno_hibernation_timer_update(), sda: cmd 0x0 spin up by pid=4, comm=events/0
Oct 10 05:38:46 kernel: [105668.010000] drivers/scsi/sd.c[461]:syno_hibernation_timer_update(), sdb: cmd 0x0 spin up by pid=4, comm=events/0
Oct 10 05:38:46 kernel: [105668.020000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:38:46 kernel: [105675.030000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:38:46 scemd: SCEMD: disk 1 wake up from hibernation
Oct 10 05:38:52 kernel: [105680.700000] [/var/log/messages] opened by pid 2520 [u:(/sbin/syslogd), comm:(syslogd)]
Oct 10 05:38:52 scemd: SCEMD: disk 2 wake up from hibernation
Oct 10 05:49:31 kernel: [106319.810000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 4073 [u:(scemd), comm:(scemd)]
Oct 10 05:49:42 kernel: [106331.550000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:49:48 kernel: [106337.000000] drivers/scsi/sd.c[461]:syno_hibernation_timer_update(), sda: cmd 0x0 spin up by pid=4, comm=events/0
Oct 10 05:49:55 kernel: [106337.010000] drivers/scsi/sd.c[461]:syno_hibernation_timer_update(), sdb: cmd 0x0 spin up by pid=4, comm=events/0
Oct 10 05:49:55 kernel: [106337.020000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:49:55 kernel: [106344.030000] [/etc/localtime] opened by pid 2525 [u:(/sbin/klogd), comm:(klogd)]
Oct 10 05:49:55 scemd: SCEMD: disk 1 wake up from hibernation
Oct 10 05:50:00 kernel: [106349.740000] [/var/log/messages] opened by pid 2520 [u:(/sbin/syslogd), comm:(syslogd)]
Oct 10 05:50:01 scemd: SCEMD: disk 2 wake up from hibernation

En zo verder


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Re: [Opgelost] HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #42 Gepost op: 10 oktober 2012, 11:37:19 »
Citaat van: "slingshot"

Ik heb nu deze logging, heeft iemand nog een idee waarom hij niet gaat slapen.

Hoe heb je gelogd, met of zonder netwerkverbinding?
Kijk ook dit lijstje eens na, het is een goede opsomming (in het Duits) van alles wat je NAS uit de slaap houdt:,_die_den_Disk-Spin-Down_betreffen

Offline slingshot

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Re: [Opgelost] HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #43 Gepost op: 10 oktober 2012, 12:28:32 »
Ik heb de netwerk kabel eruit gehaald en hij is gaan slapen.
Ik heb alleen geen idee welk apparaat hem wakker houdt.
Er staat geen computer aan. TV's en UPC horizon box staan uit voor zover mogelijk.

Kan ik ergens de request op ipadres zien?

Offline niels1962

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Re: HDD-slaapstand werkt niet meer.
« Reactie #44 Gepost op: 28 oktober 2012, 15:19:38 »
Citaat van: "maslov"
Heb van Support de volgende fix gekregen:
ftp://on-line:online_user@ftp.synology. ... 1.2636.pat

Waarschijnlijk dezelfde als de bovenstaande.

Ben nu bezig om deze te installeren.

Update 9/9: De patch wekt niet bij mij. Ook niet na herstarten, stroom eraf enz. Hij blijft niet in hibernate. :evil:

De patch heb ik gedownload omdat ik ook een van de velen ben die met het hybernation probleem kamp. Nu misschien een stomme vraag: Hoe installeer ik de patch? Bij "DSM bijwerken" en dan "handmatig DSM bijwerken"?


wat kan er niet met php/mysql?

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Fan 106e lawaaierig, slaat niet/nauwelijks af bij standby

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