Voor de liefhebbers heb ik alles maar even (in het Engels..) gedocumenteerd..
How to install SABnzbdPlus 0.3.3 on Synology DS-207
PPC (PowerPC and 128 MB) with firmware version Disk Station Manager 2.0-0590
Onderstaande geldt dus NIET zomaar voor de 207+ met ARM processor.Download the IPKG installer script ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh from
http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/DS101/DS101BootStrapCopy the script ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh to /volume1/public (or other accessable location on the DS).
Enable Telnet and/or SSH connectivity to the DS (see
http://www.synology.com/enu/support/dow ... hp#Patches).
Set up the "guest" account using the webinterface.
Open a SSH or Telnet session (using Putty or something else)
Login as root!
Goto the location where you uploaded the ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh script and follow these steps:
Install IPKG using the downloaded script
> sh ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh
Update to latest version (if available)
> ipkg update
Upgrade to latest version of IPKG (if available)
> ipkg upgrade
Install required packages to run SABnzbdPlus
> ipkg install python25
> ipkg install unrar
> ipkg install unzip
> ipkg install par2cmdline
> ipkg install py25-cheetah
> ipkg install py25-elementtree
> ipkg install py25-yenc
Create symbolic link for python
> cd /usr/bin
> ln -s /opt/bin/python2.5 python
OPTIONAL: Install nano (easy editor, if you don't like vi....)
> ipkg install nano
Download latest source of SABnzbdPlus from website
http://sourceforge.net/projects/sabnzbdplus. In this case SABnzbd-0.3.3-src.zip.
Unzip the source and upload it to your DS to the location /opt/local/SABnzbd (rename the directory to SABnzbd instead of SABnzbd-0.3.3)
Make sure the directory has the following owners and permissions if you want it to start at boottime.
Ownership: guest:users (change this using "chown guest:users /opt/local/SABnzbd"
Permissions: 777 (change this using "chmod 777 /opt/local/SABnzbd"
Make SABnzbdPlus finally work
> cd /opt/local/SABnzbd
Make script executable if not already..
> chmod +x SABnzbd.py
Create the parameter file /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.ini as shown below
Start SABnzbd and open a webbrowser to check if it runs op
http://ip-of-ds:8080/sabnzbd> python2.5 /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.py -f /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.ini -d
To diagnose problems leave the "-d" daemon option, so it runs on the command line.
To make SABnzbd start at boottime create the file /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S99SABnzbd.sh as show below
Make it executable using "chmod +x S99SABnzbd.sh"
Test it by rebooting the DS or running the script with "./S99SABnzbd.sh start"
You can ignore the "warning: cannot change to home directory" message because of the guest user not having a correct profile or something...
**************** Start of SABnzbd.ini *******************
__version__ = 016
## host we should listen on, leave "" for localhost
host = ""
## port we should listen on
port = 8080
## username for the web-interface
username = ""
## password for the web-interface
password = ""
## web file dir for (custom) Cheetah templates and the default.css file
web_dir = Default
## dir to put downloads to, won't be created automatically
download_dir = /volume1/Download/incomplete/
## dir to put completed downloads to, won't be created automatically
complete_dir = /volume1/Download/complete/
## If specified, .nzbs fetched by postid (or added by the dirscanner) will
## be backed up to this readable/writeable dir
nzb_backup_dir = ""
## dir to store cache and cookie files, windows users should
## leave this at .
cache_dir = /volume1/Download/temp/
## location of your log directory, "" to disable logging
log_dir = /volume1/Download/log/
## dirscan directory
## SABnzbd will consume everything in that dir
## while trying to add it to the queue
dirscan_dir = ""
## Scheduling options
## Syntax: minute hour day action
## 1st argument must be 0-59 (minute)
## 2nd argument must be 0-24 (hour)
## 3rd argument must be 1-7 (day) or *
## 4th argument must be resume or pause
## e.g schedlines = 0 7 * pause, 0 21 * resume
## to pause SABnzbd at 7:00 and resume operation at 21:00
schedlines = ,
## default options for dirscan added items
## 0 = None
## 1 = +Repair
## 2 = +Unpack
## 3 = +Delete
dirscan_opts = 2
## Enable/disable filejoining
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_filejoin = 1
## Enable/disable unraring
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_unrar = 1
## Enable/disable unzipping
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_unzip = 1
## Enable/disable periodic queue saving
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
## Enable this on unstable systems
enable_save = 1
## Enable/disable
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
## Enable to cleanup par2 files
## (only if verifiying/repairing succeded)
enable_par_cleanup = 1
## should we failover on yenc crc errors
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
fail_on_crc = 0
## should we download to group folders?
## (i.e /my/download/dir/alt.bin.whatever/somepost/)
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
create_group_folders = 0
## bandwith limit
## 0 == ignore
## Slowdown factor, try values between 0.01 and 1.0.
bandwith_limit = 0
## Cleanup List
## List of file_extensions that should be deleted
## Example: ".nfo," or ".nfo, .sfv"
cleanup_list = .nfo, .sfv, .nzb
## Only get articles from topmost collection
## Enable for less memory usage
## Disable for more efficient downloading
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
top_only = 1
## Automatically sort by average age
## 0 = No
## 1 = Yes
auto_sort = 0
## Send group command before requesting articles
## 0 = No
## 1 = Yes
send_group = 0
## Article cache limit
## 0 = Disable Cache
## -1 = Unlimited cache
## >0 = Maximum memory (in bytes) to use for cache
cache_limit = 0
auto_browser = 0
permissions = 0777
check_new_rel = 0
auto_disconnect = 0
config_lock = 0
safe_postproc = 0
download_free = 5G
dirscan_speed = 5
refresh_rate = 0
rss_rate = 1
extern_proc = ""
email_server = ""
email_to = ""
email_from = ""
email_account = ""
email_pwd = ""
email_endjob = 0
email_full = 0
## max size of SABnzbd.log (in bytes)
max_log_size = 5242880
## how many backups of SABnzbd.log to keep around
log_backups = 2
## enable cherrypy logging
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
enable_cherrypy_logging = 0
log_level = 1
## Fill in your servers here
## If your server doesn't need password auth set
## username and password to ''
## fillserver field must be 0 for non-fillservers (>0 otherwise)
host = newszilla.xs4all.nl
port = 119
username = ""
password = ""
connections = 2
fillserver = 0
timeout = 120
# [[server 0]]
# host = news.myfillserver.com
# port = 119
# username = ""
# password = ""
# connections = 8
# fillserver = 1
http://www.newzbin.com support
username = ""
password = ""
## Place downloads into newzbin.com category folders
## 0 = No
## 1 = Root category only
## 2 = Root category + subcategory
create_category_folders = 0
************ End of SABnzbd.ini *******************
**************** Start of S99SABnzbd.sh **********************
# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Synology Inc. All rights reserved.
if [ "start" = "$1" ]; then
su -l $User -c "/usr/bin/python /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.py -f /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.ini -d"
elif [ "stop" = "$1" ]; then
$SynoStop python
elif [ "restart" = "$1" ]; then
$0 stop
$0 start
**************** End of S99SABnzbd.sh ***********************