Ik heb ivm steeds vastlopen van mijn 107+ hem volledig gereset.
ipkg install unrar
ipkg install par2
daarna sabnzbd 0.4.0 via ipkg geinstalleerd
alleen krijg ik steeds de melding dat hij niet de bestanden niet kan par-ren en Rar-ren
2008-10-14 07:47:48,024 ERROR par2 binary... NOT found!
2008-10-14 07:47:48,028 ERROR rar binary... NOT found
2008-10-14 07:47:48,032 ERROR unzip binary... NOT found!
Extra info:
dit is allemaal geinstalleerd
bzip2 - 1.0.4-2 - Very high-quality data compression program
libdb - 4.2.52-3 - Berkeley DB Libraries
libstdc++ - 6.0.3-6 - Standard C++ library, needed for dynamically linked C++ programs
ncurses - 5.6-3 - NCurses libraries
ncursesw - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries with wide char support.
openssl - 0.9.7m-3 - Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcrypto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
par2cmdline - 0.4 - tool to apply the data-recovery capability concepts of RAID-like systems to the posting & recovery of multi-part archives on Us
py-celementtree - 1.0.5-20051216-4 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-weight components for working with XML (C implementation).
py-cheetah - 2.0-1 - Cheetah - The Python-Powered Template Engine.
py-cherrypy - 2.2.1-3 - A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.
py-elementtree - 1.2.6-20050316-4 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-weight components for working with XML.
py-yenc - 0.3-1 - A module that provides only raw yEnc encoding/decoding with builtin crc32 calculation (C implementation).
py25-celementtree - 1.0.5-20051216-4 - A toolkit that contains a number of light -weight components for working with XML (C implementation).
py25-cheetah - 2.0-1 - Cheetah - The Python-Powered Template Engine.
py25-elementtree - 1.2.6-20050316-5 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-weight components for working with XML.
py25-sabnzbd - 0.4.0-1 - A web-interface based binary newsgrabber written in pyt hon, with nzb file support.
py25-yenc - 0.3-1 - A module that provides only raw yEnc encoding/decoding withbuiltin crc32 calculation (C implementation).
python24 - 2.4.4-6 - Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented prog ramming language.
python25 - 2.5.1-2 - Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
readline - 5.2-2 - The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for useby applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
sqlite - 3.5.9-1 - SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained,embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.
unrar - 3.6.8-2 - unrar is an application that can decompress files and archives created using the RAR compression scheme
unzip - 5.52-3 - A (de)compression library for the ZIP format
wget-ssl - 1.10.2-4 - A network utility to retrieve files from the Web
zlib - 1.2.3-2 - zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate' compression system
Huidige Firmware versie: DSM 2.0-0722
Heeft iemand een idee wat ik fout doe?
want als ik een oudere versie installeer (0.3.1) kan ik helemaal niet downloaden?