Alles lijkt goed te staan.
Probeer eens met meer connections, 4 ipv 1.
Ik krijg toch een sterke indruk dat de aanmelding bij de server via Newsleecher anders is dan via SABnzbd.
Ik wil even een nieuwe install gaan maken maar weet niet wat ik allemaal weg moet halen. Hieronder wat er allemaal opstaat
schouten> ipkg list_installed
bzip2 - 1.0.4-2 - Very high-quality data compression program
libdb - 4.2.52-3 - Berkeley DB Libraries
libstdc++ - 6.0.3-6 - Standard C++ library, needed for dynamically linked C++ pr ograms
ncurses - 5.6-3 - NCurses libraries
ncursesw - 5.6-1 - NCurses libraries with wide char support.
openssl - 0.9.7m-3 - Openssl provides the ssl implementation in libraries libcry pto and libssl, and is needed by many other applications and librari
par2 - 0.4 - tool to apply the data-recovery capability concepts of RAID-like sy stems to the posting & recovery of multi-part archives on Us
py-celementtree - 1.0.5-20051216-4 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-w eight components for working with XML (C implementation).
py-cheetah - 2.0-1 - Cheetah - The Python-Powered Template Engine.
py-cherrypy - 2.2.1-3 - A pythonic, object-oriented web development framework.
py-elementtree - 1.2.6-20050316-4 - A toolkit that contains a number of light-we ight components for working with XML.
py-sabnzbdplus - 0.3.0rc3 - A web-interface based binary newsgrabber written in python, with nzb file support.
py-yenc - 0.3-1 - A module that provides only raw yEnc encoding/decoding with bu iltin crc32 calculation (C implementation).
python24 - 2.4.4-6 - Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented prog ramming language.
readline - 5.2-2 - The GNU Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications that allow users to edit command lines as they are
unrar - 3.6.8-2 - unrar is an application that can decompress files and archives created using the RAR compression scheme
wget-ssl - 1.10.2-4 - A network utility to retrieve files from the Web
zlib - 1.2.3-2 - zlib is a library implementing the 'deflate' compression system