De volgende installatie-procedure heb ik samengesteld uit wat ik op diverse fora heb gevonden. Bij mij werkt het perfect op een 107e. Hopenlijk gaat dat voor jou ook lukken op je 106j. Succes!
Does anyone know how to unistall SABnzb, in order to upgrade to the more stable release of SABnzbd+?
rm -rf /opt/local/sabnzbd
Just installed it and it runs fine!!!
How to install SABnzbdPlus 0.3.4 on Synology DS-207 PPC (PowerPC and 128 MB) with firmware version Disk Station Manager 2.0-0590
Download the IPKG installer script ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh from the script ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh to /volume1/public (or other accessable location on the DS).
Enable Telnet and/or SSH connectivity to the DS (see ... hp#Patches).
Set up the "guest" account using the webinterface.
Open a SSH or Telnet session (using Putty or something else)
Login as root! Password: admin
Goto the location where you uploaded the ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh script and follow these steps:
Install IPKG using the downloaded script
cd /volume1/public/
sh ds101-bootstrap_1.0-4_powerpc.xsh
Update to latest version (if available)
ipkg update
Upgrade to latest version of IPKG (if available)
ipkg upgrade
Install required packages to run SABnzbdPlus
ipkg install python25
ipkg install unrar
ipkg install unzip
ipkg install par2cmdline
ipkg install py25-cheetah
ipkg install py25-elementtree
ipkg install py25-yenc
Create symbolic link for python:
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /opt/bin/python2.5 python
OPTIONAL: Install nano (easy editor, if you don't like vi....)
ipkg install nano
hoeft niet per se dus!)
Download latest source of SABnzbdPlus from website In this case
(hoeft niet: Unzip the source and upload it to your DS to the location /volume1/public/ SABnzbd
cd /volume1/public/
su guest
tar -xvzf SABnzbd-0.3.4.tar.gz
(rename the directory to SABnzbd instead of SABnzbd-0.3.4)
Download het bestandje naar deze map. Dit is het configuratiebestand voor SABnzbd. Bewerk dit bestand en vul onderin het adres en de login van je newsserver in. (De inhoud ervan staat aan het eind van dit installatieverhaal)
Create the parameter file /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.ini as shown below
Voordat je alles uit gaat testen, moet je even wat mappen aanmaken. Dit zijn de mappen waar de downloads in komen te staan. Maak in verkenner de volgende mappen op je public share aan:
Dus je share heet bijv. public (in Windows een drive-letter, bij mij is dat Z:
Aan de root van Z maak je een dir download en in download de vier dirs van hierboven
Nog even een finishing touch door SABnzbd op een mooie (systeem-)plek te zetten:
mv /volume1/public/SABnzbd /opt/local/sabnzbd
Make sure the directory has the following owners and permissions if you want it to start at boottime.
Ownership: guest:users (change this using "chown guest:users /opt/local/SABnzbd"
Permissions: 777 (change this using "chmod 777 /opt/local/SABnzbd"
Make SABnzbdPlus finally work
cd /opt/local/SABnzbd
Make script executable if not already..
chmod +x
Create the parameter file /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.ini as shown below
python2.5 /opt/local/SABnzbd/ -f /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.ini -d
To diagnose problems leave the "-d" daemon option, so it runs on the command line.
To make SABnzbd start at boottime create the file /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/ as show below
cd /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/
cp /volume1/public/ .
Make it executable using "chmod +x"
Test it by rebooting the DS or running the script with "./ start"
You can ignore the "warning: cannot change to home directory" message because of the guest user not having a correct profile or something...
Start SABnzbd and open a webbrowser to check if it runs op
http://ip-of-ds:8080/sabnzbd**************** Start of SABnzbd.ini *******************
__version__ = 016
## host we should listen on, leave "" for localhost
host = ""
## port we should listen on
port = 8080
## username for the web-interface
username = ""
## password for the web-interface
password = ""
## web file dir for (custom) Cheetah templates and the default.css file
web_dir = Default
## dir to put downloads to, won't be created automatically
download_dir = /volume1/public/Download/incomplete/
## dir to put completed downloads to, won't be created automatically
complete_dir = /volume1/public/Download/complete/
## If specified, .nzbs fetched by postid (or added by the dirscanner) will
## be backed up to this readable/writeable dir
nzb_backup_dir = /volume1/public/Download/nzbbackup/
## dir to store cache and cookie files, windows users should
## leave this at .
cache_dir = /volume1/public/Download/temp/
## location of your log directory, "" to disable logging
log_dir = /volume1/public/Download/log/
## dirscan directory
## SABnzbd will consume everything in that dir
## while trying to add it to the queue
dirscan_dir = /volume1/public/nzb/
## Scheduling options
## Syntax: minute hour day action
## 1st argument must be 0-59 (minute)
## 2nd argument must be 0-24 (hour)
## 3rd argument must be 1-7 (day) or *
## 4th argument must be resume or pause
## e.g schedlines = 0 7 * pause, 0 21 * resume
## to pause SABnzbd at 7:00 and resume operation at 21:00
schedlines = ,
## default options for dirscan added items
## 0 = None
## 1 = +Repair
## 2 = +Unpack
## 3 = +Delete
dirscan_opts = 2
## Enable/disable filejoining
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_filejoin = 1
## Enable/disable unraring
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_unrar = 1
## Enable/disable unzipping
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
enable_unzip = 1
## Enable/disable periodic queue saving
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
## Enable this on unstable systems
enable_save = 1
## Enable/disable
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
## Enable to cleanup par2 files
## (only if verifiying/repairing succeded)
enable_par_cleanup = 1
## should we failover on yenc crc errors
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
fail_on_crc = 0
## should we download to group folders?
## (i.e /my/download/dir/alt.bin.whatever/somepost/)
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
create_group_folders = 0
## bandwith limit
## 0 == ignore
## Slowdown factor, try values between 0.01 and 1.0.
bandwith_limit = 0
## Cleanup List
## List of file_extensions that should be deleted
## Example: ".nfo," or ".nfo, .sfv"
cleanup_list = .nfo, .sfv, .nzb
## Only get articles from topmost collection
## Enable for less memory usage
## Disable for more efficient downloading
## 0 = Disabled
## 1 = Enabled
top_only = 1
## Automatically sort by average age
## 0 = No
## 1 = Yes
auto_sort = 0
## Send group command before requesting articles
## 0 = No
## 1 = Yes
send_group = 0
## Article cache limit
## 0 = Disable Cache
## -1 = Unlimited cache
## >0 = Maximum memory (in bytes) to use for cache
cache_limit = 0
auto_browser = 0
permissions = 0777
check_new_rel = 0
auto_disconnect = 0
config_lock = 0
safe_postproc = 0
download_free = 5G
dirscan_speed = 5
refresh_rate = 0
rss_rate = 1
extern_proc = ""
email_server = ""
email_to = ""
email_from = ""
email_account = ""
email_pwd = ""
email_endjob = 0
email_full = 0
## max size of SABnzbd.log (in bytes)
max_log_size = 5242880
## how many backups of SABnzbd.log to keep around
log_backups = 2
## enable cherrypy logging
## 0 = no
## 1 = yes
enable_cherrypy_logging = 0
log_level = 1
## Fill in your servers here
## If your server doesn't need password auth set
## username and password to ''
## fillserver field must be 0 for non-fillservers (>0 otherwise)
host =
port = 119
username = ""
password = ""
connections = 2
fillserver = 0
timeout = 120
# [[server 0]]
# host =
# port = 119
# username = ""
# password = ""
# connections = 8
# fillserver = 1
## support
username = ""
password = ""
## Place downloads into category folders
## 0 = No
## 1 = Root category only
## 2 = Root category + subcategory
create_category_folders = 0
************ End of SABnzbd.ini *******************
**************** Start of **********************
# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Synology Inc. All rights reserved.
if [ "start" = "$1" ]; then
su -l $User -c "/usr/bin/python /opt/local/SABnzbd/ -f /opt/local/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.ini -d"
elif [ "stop" = "$1" ]; then
$SynoStop python
elif [ "restart" = "$1" ]; then
$0 stop
$0 start
**************** End of ***********************