Auteur Topic: Download Speed and process priority conflict  (gelezen 4652 keer)

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Download Speed and process priority conflict
« Gepost op: 21 maart 2008, 23:42:29 »
Hello dutch, sorry i only do english and various scandinavian languages .. i barly understand dutch.

But here is some problems i face around stability and performance.

I am a long time user of sabnzbd and prior to owning a synology server i had a little miniitx box doing the job for me and it worked fairly ok. the box was running freebsd on a epia cpu clocked at 800 mhz and had approx 512mb ram.

Current setup:
synology 207+, that is aroun 500mhz speed and 128mb ram

my avarage file is is roughly iso size (4gb) and my connection gives med 1-2mb/s (20mbit)  (on pc). I run 10 threads against giganews and get some 1000-1500kbS on synology

The issue is that i get stuff much faster than synology can process it and it thus tries to process stuff while getting more and more and it crashes in fairly short matter of hours. Its simply not a viable solution to use sabnzb on synology for me as its next to 100% crashing. SABNZBD (3.1+ ? ) crashes but synolog is fine and running.
Suggested solutions are one of man, but one of two should do the trick. An option to disable ALL download activity during process would do great for stability as my problem is download flood and lack of ram. The other alternative is to be able to queue downloads with a 'dont download' flag .. sortof 'add to list, but dont start download' and this flag should be able to be ticked off once you feel like it so you can coordinate download task abit better ..

either way, stopping all downloads while waiting for a download process finish would really do the difference.

for now i will download and process on my laptop or desktop and use the synologyas complete dir .. but thats alot less feature than i expected. i really hoped to have storage and sabnzb in one box.

If there is anything special about my setup, i would gladly help with betatesting.

Offline mdamen

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Re: Download Speed and process priority conflict
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 24 maart 2008, 19:44:06 »
Hi adsboel,

Thanks for your feedback!

I have modified some SABnzbd files to pause during assembly and unrar/par2 checking (post processing)
Please replace your original SABnzbd files (/opt/local/sabnzbdplus_0.3.1/sabnzbd) with the files in the attached zip-file.

After that restart SABnzbd and shut it back down again, in the file /opt/etc/SABnzbd.ini you should now have two extra options (under the misc section):


Please make sure both are set to "1" (true)
This patch pauses the download process during assembly and post processing.after post processing or assembly has been finished it continue's downloading.

Let me know if this patch is usefull for you.. if it is I will include this feature in the newest SABnzbd release (prolly 0.4.0)
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Re: Download Speed and process priority conflict
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 24 maart 2008, 21:21:42 »
ill test and get back in a day or two. it usually crashes with 2 iso in process and more comming,so it shouldnt take long to seee if problem is gone.

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Re: Download Speed and process priority conflict
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 25 maart 2008, 00:28:47 »
it seems to work as intended, with the oddity sideeffect that i dont know why its 0kb/s when its idling. It would be nice with some sort of status so you knew it was ok and it was just working less stressfull :)

I noticed it even disconnects from nntp server, so its REALLY going snooze. maybe keep connections and just seize action abit ..

either way, it seems todo the trick. My Synology downloads slower, but more stable and controlled now.

one note: it might not resume after a .nzb is donwloaded. Atleast first tests i had to manually resume.


No problem with resume thingy, i think it is this 'i dont know why its not moving' (status is hidden). The two last iso i put in quee ran flawlessly.

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Re: Download Speed and process priority conflict
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 26 maart 2008, 15:48:13 »
after severals test i think its safe to safe stability is 100% back at cost of download speeds.

I am trying to test with postprocessing pause only now.


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