Dankzij bovenstaande tips heb ik uiteindelijk het grootste deel op kunnen lossen. Ik loop nog wel tegen een probleem aan bij het updaten vanuit de app (zie onderaan).
Ter info voor andere met hetzelfde probleem:
Het ging inderdaad mis doordat ik geen "sudo" schreef voor het commando. Alleen ging het toen nog steeds niet in 1 keer goed.
sudo rm cacert.pem && wget
https://nzbget.net/info/cacert.pem cacert.pem
Vanuit de juist folder gaf als reactie:
--2021-10-05 15:44:08-- https://nzbget.net/info/cacert.pem
Resolving nzbget.net...
Connecting to nzbget.net|xx.xx.xx|:xxx... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 203007 (198K) [application/x-x509-ca-cert]
cacert.pem: Permission denied
Cannot write to 'cacert.pem' (Success).
--2021-10-05 15:44:08-- http://cacert.pem/
Resolving cacert.pem... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address 'cacert.pem'
Hierdoor was mijn cacert.pem verwijderd, maar er was geen nieuwe versie gedownload.
Commando: sudo wget
https://nzbget.net/info/cacert.pem cacert.pem
Gaf als reactie:
--2021-10-05 15:46:36-- https://nzbget.net/info/cacert.pem
Resolving nzbget.net...
Connecting to nzbget.net|xx.xx.xx|:xxx... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 203007 (198K) [application/x-x509-ca-cert]
Saving to: 'cacert.pem'
cacert.pem 100%[===================>] 198.25K 468KB/s in 0.4s
2021-10-05 15:46:37 (468 KB/s) - 'cacert.pem' saved [203007/203007]
--2021-10-05 15:46:37-- http://cacert.pem/
Resolving cacert.pem... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address 'cacert.pem'
FINISHED --2021-10-05 15:46:37--
Total wall clock time: 1.0s
Downloaded: 1 files, 198K in 0.4s (468 KB/s)
Daarna stond er weer een cacert.pem in de folder en nu werkt NZBget weer met certcheck aan.
Het enige probleem waar ik nu nog tegenaanloop is dat het uitvoeren van een update vanuit NZBget nog steeds niet werkt. Een update komt nu verder dan eerst, maar loopt vervolgens vast met de volgende error:
Executing update-script /volume1/@appstore/nzbget/bin/install-update.sh
Downloading version information...
Downloading verification signature...
Downloading nzbget-21.2-testing-r2333-bin-linux.run...
Verifying package authenticity...
Updating NZBGet...
Installer for nzbget-21.2-testing-r2333
Verifying package...
Checking system...
CPU-Architecture: ppc500
tar: scripts/EMail.py: Cannot open: File exists
tar: scripts/Logger.py: Cannot open: File exists
tar: scripts: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: webui/package-info.json: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/style.css: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/util.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/index.html: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/jquery.min.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/elycharts.min.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/elycharts.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/raphael.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/bootstrap.css: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/bootstrap.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/bootstrap.min.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/raphael.min.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib/jquery.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/lib: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: webui/img/favicon-256x256.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/favicon.ico: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/icons-2x.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/transmit.gif: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/transmit-file.gif: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/favicon-256x256-opaque.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/download-anim-green-2x.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/transmit-reload-2x.gif: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/download-anim-orange-2x.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img/icons.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/img: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: webui/downloads.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/edit.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/history.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/status.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/messages.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/upload.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/config.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/feed.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/index.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/fasttable.js: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui/nzbget.conf.template: Cannot open: File exists
tar: webui: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
ERROR: Unpacking failed.
Update failed, installer terminated with error status
Iemand een idee hoe dit nog op te lossen is?
[Mod edit: code tags toegevoegd voor leesbaarheid]