Björn bedankt,
Ik vond dit:
1) download the script from GitHub and extract it to a Shared Folder of your choice. In my case: "/volume1/MEDIA/Scripts/boxee-trakt".
2) Make sure you have python installed on your Synology. I used the SynoBlog package
3) Edit "config_example.ini", replace your Boxee IP Address, trakt username and password and set "NotifyBoxee = No" (will explain it later).
4) Rename config_example.ini to config.ini (I also made a copy and renamed it to settings.cfg, as I wasn't sure which filename was correct).
5) Open a Terminal window, ssh/telnet into your NAS as root and type:
/usr/local/python26/bin/python /volume1/MEDIA/Scripts/boxee-trakt/ --pair
6) A code should appear in your Boxee Box which you should type in the terminal window to pair with your device. There are some issues with pairing in this thread but I didn't have any, so I'm afraid I can't help you there.
7) If everything went OK, you should be able to play a Movie/TV Episode in Boxee and it should appear within seconds on your trakt profile.
8) Now, we need to make sure that the script runs even after your turn off your NAS. Instead of using the startup script, I decided to set a cronjob so that the script runs every few minutes. The reason for that is, I believe if you run the script when you power-on your NAS, but the Boxee Box is powered-off, the script will fail and it won't scrobble the next time you play something. If you set a cronjob every few minutes, it will continuously run the script. I didn't notice any performance issues using this method, but someone might see something against it which I'm not so feel free to correct me.
9) In the Terminal window again, type
vi /etc/crontab
You need to add a line such as:
*/15 * * * * root /usr/local/python26/bin/python /volume1/MEDIA/Scripts/boxee-trakt/ --daemon
This basically runs the script every 15 minutes, which should be enough to scrobble 20-minute shows.
10) Finally, I wanted to get Boxee to notify me only when it actually scrobbles an episode to trakt, but without bothering me everytime it runs the cronjob script.
So I edited on notepad.
Look for the line with: "self.boxee_client.showNotification("Scrobbled to Trakt!")" and comment the line before
#if (self.NOTIFY_BOXEE):
self.boxee_client.showNotification("Scrobbled to Trakt!")
If you now want to be sure you didn't mess up anything, run the script once again. If it doesn't give you an error message, you should be fine
/usr/local/python26/bin/python /volume1/MEDIA/Scripts/boxee-trakt/ --daemon
11) Reboot your NAS, start playing something on Boxee and watch it appear and scrobble on your trakt profile