Auteur Topic: Fetchmail op DS109  (gelezen 8334 keer)

Offline cybersushi

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Fetchmail op DS109
« Gepost op: 05 september 2009, 16:03:52 »

Ik heb sinds 2 weken een DS109 en wil mailstation gebruiken. Alleen wil ik de mail ophalen met fetchmail.
Kan iemand mij vertellen hoe ik ipkg kan installeren (waar vind ik ipk??) op een DS109 en vervolgens fetchmail.

Alvast bedankt!



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Re: Fetchmail op DS109
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 23 september 2009, 20:08:44 »
Eerst IPKG installeren zie alle stappen hieronder:

To install IPKG you have to follow the following steps:
How to Install Bootstrap
Note: This wiki page is intended for experienced Linux users, if you need more detailed instructions see the Bootstrap section in Overview on modifying the Synology Server, bootstrap, ipkg etc
1.   Download the appropriate bootstrap file to a folder on your Synology box. If unsure see What kind of CPU does my NAS have
1.   For 8241 PPC models
2.   For 8543 PPC models ... owerpc.xsh
3.   For ARM mv5281 models ... -5_arm.xsh
2.   SSH or Telnet into the Synology Box
3.   Login as root
4.   Go to the directory containing the bootstrap file
5.   Install bootstrap file, e.g. for ARM models type: sh syno-x07-bootstrap_1.2-5_arm.xsh
6.   After install remove bootstrap file, e.g. for ARM models type: rm syno-x07-bootstrap_1.2-5_arm.xsh
7.   Type: ipkg update this will update the ipkg package feed on your box.
8.   Type: ipkg upgrade this will upgrade any installed ipkg packages to the latest version.
Note: For x09 models, there is not yet an automatic bootstrap script, but you can manually install ipkg by following the instructions provided in the forum by an nslu2 developer: [1] (tested and verified on a DS-209)
Updating ipkg.conf for PPC Models
If you used the PPC bootstrap you will want to update the ipkg.conf file with the new ipkg package feed, which will allow you to install more programs. Thsi step is not neccessary of you used the ARM Bootstrap.
•   The best way to do this is to use vi editor which is the editor in Busybox (the embedded linux tools package used in the Synology firmware), type vi ipkg.conf and add this line to the ipkg.conf file.
src packages ... s/unstable
followed by running the update command ipkg update.
•   Newbies use joe editor: (ipkg install joe).
•   If you don’t know how to use vi to edit then the following commands entered directly at the command prompt offer an easy way to append to ipkg.conf:
mkdir -p /opt/etc/ipkg
echo src packages ... /unstable/  > /opt/etc/ipkg/synox07.conf
ipkg update
•   Suggestion: If you really want to learn Linux then sometimes you will find vi is the only option, a quick start cheat sheet can be found here [[2]]
•   Another Suggestion: If you'd rather not go there then why not use a simpler editor like nano (ipkg install nano).

Ipkg install fetchmail


Vi /opt/etc/fetchmailrc
# Edit carefully, see the fetchmail(1) manual page, section "THE RUN CONTROL FILE".
poll <MAILSERVER EXTERN> with protocol POP3:
    user ‘<USERNAME' with password ‘<PASSWORD>' is ‘<LOCALUSER@LOCALDOMEINNAAM' here;

<esc : wq ENTER >


Vi  /opt/etc/init.d/S52fetchmail

ARGS="-d 60 -f /opt/etc/fetchmailrc -v -U --syslog"

if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
    case `echo "$0" | /bin/sed 's/^.*/(.*)/1/g'` in
        S??*) rc="start" ;;
        K??*) rc="stop" ;;
        *) rc="usage" ;;

case "$rc" in
        echo "starting service $PROG"

        $PROG $ARGS 2>&1
        echo "stopping service $PROG"

        if [ -n "`pidof $PROG`" ]; then
            killall $PROG
        "$0" stop
        sleep 1
        "$0" start
        echo "Usage: $0 (start|stop|restart|usage)"
<esc : wq ENTER >

/opt/etc/init.d/S52fetchmail start

Offline cybersushi

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Re: Fetchmail op DS109
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 01 november 2009, 16:29:52 »

Fetchmail geinstalleerd en voor zover ik kan nagaan draait het goed. Als ik mail ophaal, wordt deze echter niet afgeleverd bij de juiste gebruiker. Ik zie de mail binnenkomen in de "deferred" map van postfix. De mail wordt echter niet bij de gebruiker afgeleverd. De gebruiker heeft wel een .Maildir map in zijn homedir.

Moet ik nog iets anders instellen? Ik heb mailstation geinstalleerd. (meest recente versie)



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Re: Fetchmail op DS109
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 11 december 2009, 11:47:45 »

Is het jou inmiddels gelukt?

Greetz Freez!


Fetchmail samen met DS 2.1 op DS209+ werkend krijgen

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