Auteur Topic: [OPGELOST] Carbon Copy Cloner verbeterde snelheid van/naar Synology NAS  (gelezen 1994 keer)

Offline m4v3r1ck

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Na enkele weken problemen te hebben ondervonden met het maken van een backup met Carbon Copy Cloner v4.1-b5 (4081) icm OSX 10.10.2 (14C1514) naar mijn DS1812+, eindelijk dit kunnen tackelen.

Onderstaande oplossing wilde ik met mijn mede Maccers even delen!

Since the DSM 5.1-5004 DiskStation update was released on November 6, 2014, several users have reported performance problems when copying files to or from a Synology DiskStation sharepoint. Analysis of the problem indicates that there is a performance issue while reading extended attributes from files on the NAS volume (e.g. when copying those files from the NAS, or when reading existing files on the NAS to determine if they are up to date). This performance problem is independent of CCC, other non-CCC users have reported this on Synology's forums. We have identified a couple workarounds that can avoid the performance problem.

1. Eject the network volume in the Finder

Our first recommendation is to eject your network shares in the Finder, then run your task again. We have run several tests and positively identified an issue in which the Finder will make repeated and ceaseless access attempts to the items of a folder on your network share if you simply open the network volume in the Finder. This persists even after closing the window. This is a Finder bug, and it exists in both Mavericks and Yosemite. If you eject the network volume(s), then run your CCC backup tasks, CCC will mount the network volume privately such that it is not browseable in the Finder.

2. Disable support for extended attributes

If the stall persists despite trying the first workaround, you can try dropping the extended attributes from the source. While it is our preference to preserve extended attributes, Apple considers extended attributes to be "disposable" because some filesystems cannot support them.

Open CCC and select your backup task
Click the "Use advanced settings" button at the bottom of the window
Scroll down in the window and click the disclosure triangle next to "Troubleshooting"
Check the box next to "Don't preserve extended attributes"
Save and run the task

If a performance problem persists after that, please report the problem via CCC's Help menu.

RTFM had me al veel eerder weer een oplossing kunnen opleveren! Tja, nieuwe releases zijn soms weer even moeilijk te doorgronden.

"lessons learned"!

Fijne weekeinde gewenst.
Commander: DS1821+ | DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 6
SightWinder: DS1821+ | DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 6 VMM
Wingman:     DS1812+ | DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 8
UPS:             APC Back UPS BE850G2-GR (2x)
Cheers! - ! I am an advocate of the "if it ain't broke, you didn't fix it enough" modus operandi !

Offline m4v3r1ck

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@Birdy Volgens mij gaat dit DUIDELIJK over "en overige backup software"!

Maar onder het subforum  Mac OSX is natuurlijk ALTIJD GOED!

Commander: DS1821+ | DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 6
SightWinder: DS1821+ | DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 6 VMM
Wingman:     DS1812+ | DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 8
UPS:             APC Back UPS BE850G2-GR (2x)
Cheers! - ! I am an advocate of the "if it ain't broke, you didn't fix it enough" modus operandi !


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