Auteur Topic: DSPhoto airplay not showing the next photo on television.  (gelezen 2313 keer)

Offline ZNJ

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DSPhoto airplay not showing the next photo on television.
« Gepost op: 28 juli 2013, 11:45:28 »

My configuration:
- ATV3 OS 5.3 (6105)
- Photostation 5
- DSM 4.2
- DS213+
- iPad mini

What I am doing.

- on iPad:
   - switched on AppleTV
   - start app DSPhoto

- in DSPhoto:
   - selected on of the albums with more than photo
   - when photo one is selected:
      - the photo is not displayed.
         - on top of the screen you see an inactive you see an inactive airplay symbol. Despite it was generally swtiched on
          - hit that icon and selected Airplay
       - the selected photo is displayed
       - when I swipe for the next photo:
          - on the iPad I see the next photo, on the television still the first photo
          - found a workaround:
            - on the iPad ticked on the bottom (the filmstrip) the first photo again
            - then ticked in the strip again the second and it shows on the television. Sometimes had to repeat that.

It is possible to switch mirror of airplay on. Then the television is following the screen of the iPad.
But then you see the photo not full size.
When the photo is full size on screen it is much, much better.

Question: Anyone an idea how I can present all the photos of a album in full size with airplay on the television?

Thanks in advance,
  • Mijn Synology: DS213+

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Re: DSPhoto airplay not showing the next photo on television.
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 28 juli 2013, 17:50:22 »
Its a common problem. Synology is working on an update for the app.
  • Mijn Synology: DS212+

Offline ZNJ

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Re: DSPhoto airplay not showing the next photo on television.
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 28 juli 2013, 19:39:35 »
Thanks for your reply.
Hope they will update the app soon.
  • Mijn Synology: DS213+

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Re: DSPhoto airplay not showing the next photo on television.
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 29 juli 2013, 10:34:25 »
The app was updated today.

Offline ZNJ

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Re: DSPhoto airplay not showing the next photo on television.
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 29 juli 2013, 16:56:21 »
Yes! Perfect!

Thanks for letting me know.

  • Mijn Synology: DS213+


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