Ik heb inmiddels bericht gekregen op mijn support case bij Synology. Ik deel deze info, wellicht hebben andere mensen hier ook wat aan:
Thank you for contacting Synology support.
When you have a disk failure, before replacing the disk, it is recommended to do an extended S.M.A.R.T test to examine and report the status of your drives.
Since you cannot copy some of the data out of the NAS, in that case, please follow the steps below:
1. We suggest cloning the defective disk to a healthy disk in the attempt to load the data from the healthy disk.
Unfortunately, the DSM will not be able to clone the disk, you will need to take out the disk to a PC to do the cloning.
For example, you can do that by using Clonezilla with a PC
2. Put the new healthy cloned HDDs back to the NAS and you should be able to read the data include the encrypted shared folder.
3. Backup all the data to an external hard drive.
4. Remove the volume (Remove the volume will delete all the data in the NAS, that's why you need to back them up first)
Storage Manager > Volume > Remove
5. It is advisable to do an extended S.M.A.R.T test to help us check the status of the hard drives.
The S.M.A.R.T. Test will examine and report the status of your drives, alerting you to possible drives failures.
We recommended promptly changing your drives if the test fails.
1. Go to the DSSM Storage Manager >> HDD/SSD tab.
2. Select a drive.
3. Click Health Info >> S.M.A.R.T. Test >> Extended test
4. Choose a test type and click Start to begin the test.
5. The latest test results are displayed in the Test Result section.
6. Go to the History tab to view previous test results.
Drive Status Health Condition
Normal The drive is either in a good condition, or the warning about the drive has been suppressed or disabled.
Warning Issues have been detected in the drive and/or bad sector count has exceeded the set limit. Even though drives in this status may still be serviceable, they should be monitored.
Critical A critical issue or multiple issues have been detected on the drive. Replacing the drive immediately is highly recommended.
Failing Multiple critical issues have been detected on the drive. Drive integrity is not guaranteed when drives are in this health status.
Access Error Drive communication errors may have caused the drive to disconnect from the system or have resulted in severe read-write failure. This health status usually indicates that severe issues have occurred.
If you see any non-zero raw values for ID 1 (for WD and Samsung disks) and ID 5/197/198 (for all disks) in the disk S.M.A.R.T. info, the disk is defective. Please refer to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T. for more information.
6. Create a new Volume.
7. Transfer the data back to the NAS.
If you have other concerns or suggestions, please feel free to contact us again.
Yours Truly,
Technical Support
Samuel Bat.
Ik ben eerst druk geweest met het back-uppen van alle gegevens van mijn NAS. Achteraf blijkt maar een klein gedeelte niet meer bereikbaar. Het meeste heb ik kunnen redden en op externe disken kunnen kopiëren. De data is dus in ieder geval redelijk bewaard gebleven. Ik denk dat ik gewoon de defecte disk vervang en het huidige volume weggooi en een nieuwe aanmaak. Dat lijkt mij de snelste actie voor nu. Ik zal voor ik deze in gebruik neem eerst de SMART tests uitvoeren.....