Auteur Topic: Knipperende leds op mijn DS411  (gelezen 4387 keer)

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Re: Knipperende leds op mijn DS411
« Reactie #15 Gepost op: 01 oktober 2017, 14:13:43 »
Hi all,

Ik heb een reactie gekregen van Synology support, zie onderstaand bericht, plus nog een aanvulling op mijn vragen (oudste onderaan). Wellicht heeft iemand er in de toekomst wat aan als ik de antwoorden zo publiceer :-)

De voorgestelde procedure werkt prima. Ik heb in slot 1 een andere HDD en in slot 2 t/m 4 drie van de oude HDD's. Vervolgens kan ik er inderdaad de data vanaf halen... dat ben ik nu aan het doen.

Mijn plan is verder om de nieuwe DS418play te gaan bestellen met een paar nieuwe HDD's. Daar ga ik dan alles op terug zetten. Vervolgens gebruik ik mijn oude DS411+II als backup (nog even uitzoeken hoe ik dat automatisch kan doen).

Dank jullie wel voor de suggesties en hulp!

Aanvullende antwoorden van Synology:

Hi Jan van Arkel,

It doesn't matter that which three old disks do you choose to put into slot 2~4, and also doesn't matter about the order.

The only thing you need to check is putting the spare disk which has a fresh DSM system in the first slot.

Therefore, the spare disk will have a chance to bring out old data in those three old disks you choose.

If you need help to check which three old disks should you choose, please kindly connect them to your PC and run the manufacturer's diagnostic tools provided to you before.

Hope it helps.

Aanvullende vragen aan Synology:

Thanks for your reaction.

I tried a couple of things already, but want to have some more advice.

Without HDD’s the NAS is working properly -> hence the logicboard is ok.
I put in a 5th HDD and installed DSM without problems. The NAS is working fine from this spare HDD.

So now I want to recover my data… I’ve a backup, but the last couple of weeks are missing.

I originally had the 4 HDD’s as one raid volume.

So you’re proposing:

- the spare HDD (with fresh installed DSM) in the upper port
- port 2, 3 and 4 with 3 of the 4 original HDD’s
- leave the 4th HDD out

In which order do I do that?
Starting with HDD1, 2, 3 and leave HDD4 out? Or doesn’t that matter?
And then try the repair option?

Bericht van Synology:

Hi Jan van Arkel,
Thank you for contacting Synology support.

If Synology Assistant cannot find your DiskStation, please try the following tips with or without the disks:

1. Temporarily remove your Firewall & Antivirus software on the computer.
2. Try to connect your computer and DiskStation directly with an ethernet cable (no router, hub or switch sits in between). Set the computer's IP to DHCP and try again.
3. Try with another computer.
4. Change ethernet cable to rule out faulty or degraded cables.

If Synology Assistant can find your DiskStation, please prepare another healthy spare disk, and try to insert this disk in either slot of your DiskStation to install DSM. See if you can complete the DSM installation. If the installation still fails, your Synology product may be defective. You may migrate the disks to another DiskStation.

We also recommend you check the hard disks. You may take out the HDDs and connect them to your desktop PC. Then, run the manufacturer's diagnostic tools (see below) to confirm the health status of the disks.

[Samsung HDD: ES-tool]
[WD HDD: Lifeguard]
[Seagate HDD: Seatool]
[Hitachi HDD: Drive Fitness Test]
If all disks are fine and you are eager to retrieve your data, please connect all your HDDs to a desktop computer and perform the actions listed in this FAQ:

Please refer to below FAQ to check first if motherboard is okay.

If the motherboard is fine, and you were using RAID1/5/6 or SHR/SHR-2 or Basic volumes, you can install DSM on a spare empty disk and then insert the remaining hard disks to read the data. (Please be advised that this is still risky. If one more hard disk fails during this procedure, then your data may be lost). Here are the steps:

1) Power off and remove all hard disks
2) Insert a spare empty hard disk in Slot 1
3) Power on and install DSM normally
4) Do not create any volumes. Power off DiskStation once DSM is installed successfully.
5) Insert the remaining old hard disks while keeping new spare disk in slot 1. (1 of your old hard disks may be left out.)
6) Power on DiskStation

Once the data in the old disks can be read, you should back them up to another place asap. Or, you can go to Storage Manager and repair the system partition on the old hard disks. When it's done, you can remove the spare disk, install the original disk, and repair the system partition on the original disk. By doing this, your previous system configurations (user account, user privilege, application settings, etc.) will be erased, but the data in the shared folders will still be there.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Technical Support

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Re: Knipperende leds op mijn DS411
« Reactie #16 Gepost op: 01 oktober 2017, 14:35:06 »
Mooi zo, bedankt voor je uitgebreide terugmelding  :thumbup:

CS406      DSM 2.0-0731    DS508      DSM 4.0-2265      DS411+II  DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS115J    DSM 7.1.1-42962-7   DS918+    DSM 6.2.4-25556-8
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS411slim  DSM 6.2.4-25556   DS213J    DSM 6.2.4-25556-7   DS1515+   DSM 6.2.4-25556-8   DS220+    DSM 7.2.2-72806-3
DS107+     DSM 3.1-1639    DS111      DSM 5.2-5967-9    DS413J    DSM 6.2.3-25426-2   DS716+II  DSM 7.2.2-72806-3   RT2600ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12
BeeDrive   1TB             BeeStation BSM 1.2-65586                                                                 MR2200ac  SRM 1.3.1-9346-12


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