Ik heb deze vraag ook al gepost op het engelstalig forum, vandaar de Engelse taal.
korte samenvatting: Synology DS1511+ is stuk, moederbord stuk en van Synology te horen gekregen dat mijn toestel niet meer te herstellen is. data van de SHR volumes die bestonden uit 2 disken heb ik kunnen recoveren, maar met de gevonden procedure lukt het niet om de data van 2 andere volumes, die telkens bestaan uit 3 disken in SHR, te recoveren.
iemand een idee ?
en iemand ervaring met de disken in een ander Synology systeem te steken om zo te proberen recoveren.
Alvast heel hard bedankt voor jullie reacties.
I have a serious issue. My DS1511+ failed a month ago. via my reseller the device was sent back to Synology for repair but unfortunately they answered back yesterday that they were not able to repair my device anymore (mainboard broken). I still had warranty so I will get my money back from the reseller. But my biggest concern: recover my data !
Now I have 2 questions:
I was using serveral SHR.
On the Raid volumes that only contained 2 disks in SHR I was able to recover my data via Ubuntu and some adadm commands (found in a recovery procedure on this forum).
But the procedure does not work for my Raid volumes that contained 3 disks.
Does anyone has suggestions on how to recover please ?
commands I used
sudo apt-get install mdadm
sudo mdadm --assemble --scan
sudo apt-get install lvm2
sudo vgscan --mknodes
after this commands you should be able to see the device.
I also had a DS510 (expansion module for the DS1511+). If I would connect this module to another synology, will it recognize the disks ? eventhough it is a different model ?
If I put the disks from my base station into this DS510 and connect it to another synology, will this also work to recover the data from these disks ?
If I would put my disks in for example a DS1512+ or DS1513+ or DS1813+ will it just boot with the config I had on my failed device ?
all suggestions are welcome. I prefer to try to copy all my data from the disks first before trying to boot in another synology system (just to take less riks in case something would go wrong)
everyone can mail me back at surfonce@hotmail.com
Best Regards,