Auteur Topic: een beveiligde logical volume maken (raid1)  (gelezen 1597 keer)

Offline luukman

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een beveiligde logical volume maken (raid1)
« Gepost op: 12 augustus 2012, 00:38:41 »

I have a 2 TB disk with a 500 GB Logical Volume and a separate 500GB disk. I want to make a mirror of 500GB and use the remaining 1.5 TB unprotected. (without losing my current data on the 2TB disk)

What I'm planning to do (on the command line) is initialise the new 500 GB disk this will create a new /dev/md3 with a new VG2

I want to remove VG2
vgremove -f VG2

And add the new disc to the existing VG1

vgextend vg1 md3

Now I can create a mirror of the existing logical volumes:
lvconvert -m1 vg1/volume_1

???? What should I dow with the syno_vg_reserved_area?! what is this used for? Should I mirror it as well?

Now I can create a new volume for the rest of the 1.5 TB (unprotected)

1) what are the riscs when upgrading firmware
2) what will the gui show, are there any riscs that it wil cripple the new setup?
3) what wil happen when I have a disk failure and replace a disc and execute the "repair" function from the Gui?

Hope anybody can give me some information on the considerations...


PS Ik had het al in het engels geschreven voor ik had beseft dat het forum Nederland talig is...

Offline luukman

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Re: creating mirror of logical volume
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 12 augustus 2012, 01:06:02 »
just tried it, but...

~ # lvcreate -l 118081 -n protected --mirrorlog core -m 1 vg1
  Can't expand LV protected: mirror target support missing from kernel?
  Aborting. Failed to activate new LV to wipe the start of it.

And lvconvert is not available...

Dit gaat dus niet werken :-( Misschien iets leuks voor de toekomst?


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