Update van SYNOLOGY zelf over een NL die besmet was met het virus (ie zei dat er 5.0 zonder updates op stond, blijkbaar zegt Synology zelf dat het 4.3.3810 is! Dus die ene die zogezegd besmet was met 5.0 klopt dus niet meer.
Dear customer,
Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your continued patience and support during this time.
According to the information you provided, we can confirm that your DiskStation has indeed been infected by the recent ransomware called “SynoLocker.” As we are unable to decrypt files that have already been encrypted, there are two ways to proceed.
#1 Reset your DiskStation and restore backup data
If you happen to possess a full backup copy of your files (or there are no critical files stored on your DiskStation), we recommend following the below steps to reset your DiskStation and re‐install DSM:
1. Follow the steps in this tutorial to reset your DiskStation:
http://www.synology.com/support/tutorials/493#t32. The latest version of DSM can be downloaded from our Download Center here:
http://www.synology.com/download3. Once DSM has been re‐installed, we would recommend you to backup your data to other location as soon as you can first. Then remove and create the new volume.
4. Log in and restore your backup data.
#2 Stop the ransomware from encrypting more files
According to our investigation, we can stop the ransomware from continuing to further encrypt files. We cannot decrypt those files which have been encrypted already. However, we can leave the already encrypted files intact on your data volume, just in case you wish to decrypt them yourself.
Once your DiskStation has returned to normal status, you can
1) contact us for information about the already encrypted data, or
2) delete the volume and the encrypted files stored on it.
Please confirm if you would like us to stop the ransomware from encrypting more files, and we’ll have your DiskStation working again as soon as possible.
According to our investigation, the ransomware only affects outdated versions of DSM (your DSM is 4.3.3810). No vulnerability has been found in the latest version of DSM. To keep yourself informed about new DSM updates, we highly recommend registering at MyDS Center and subscribing to Synology eNews.
Weet er iemand of in de laatste DSM 5.0 4993 , deze die je afhaalt van de site van Synology of de updates daar ook in zitten of moet je ze allemaal afzonderlijk dl? (manueel of auto)?