Auteur Topic: TFTP en subfolders  (gelezen 1549 keer)

Offline Paul1202

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TFTP en subfolders
« Gepost op: 18 juni 2014, 17:33:24 »
Hoi, ik had dit topic al gepost of het Engelstalige forum maar daar geen enkel antwoord op ontvangen. Dus doe ik maar  een poging op dit Nederlandstalige forum. Hopelijk kan iemand mij verder helpen, sorry voor het Engels. Het antwoord mag uiteraard in het Nederlands

I'm using DS213+ and DSM 5.0

I have setup a TFTP-root-folder. My FTP-clients (in this case VoIP SIP-Phones) can access the file they want (in this a case a phonebook.xml). The path where they need to find the file is specified in these client as : <NAS_IP-Address> . This works perfect.

But in fact I want to place the file they want to read in a subfolder of the TFTP-root-folder. In this case <NAS_IP-Address>/PhoneBooks/Userx .

If I do it that way, it doesn't work : I see in the logs of the TFTP-service in DSM that the file is being accessed, but the file itself is not downloaded to the client.

If I'm using another TFTP-server on a windows-server, it does work.

Is this supported by DSM/TFTP-Server ? Or what can I do wrong ?

Many thanks,

  • Mijn Synology: DS920+
  • HDD's: 2 x 10GB
  • Extra's: 256GB Read-Cache


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