Ik heb al van alles afgezocht maar ik kom er niet uit.
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Dus vandaar dat ik het zo probeer
Ik heb windows Vista home premium , ik heb een vpn verbinding ingesteld maar er komt een rood kruis door de mappen dit probleem heb ik al meer gelezen, ik heb het script @echo van wizjos gebruikt.
De netwerk schijf van buiten af verdwijnt als het script op start.
Maar de schijf komt niet terug
Waar doe ik wat fout ?
Alvast super bedankt voor de hulp
REM Edit by Wizjos 9/3/2013
REM !---- Command Script that waits until the network connection to a (local) network resource has been
REM !---- established, and only then mounts specified network locations as mapped drives.
REM !---- Useful in case setting up the network connection might take long following startup.
REM !---- This might e.g. apply to WiFi connections
REM !---- Script verified for WinXP (English version)
REM !---- Define the NAS IP-address or network name (e.g. "" or "Diskstation"), but use -NO- quotes (")
REM !---- IP-address should always work; network name only when client and NAS are in the same Workgroup/Domain
SET nas_ip=
REM !---- Use this section if NAS-username and/or -password differs from Windows-username and/or -password
REM !---- Omit this section ("REM" all lines) if Windows and NAS user-name and -password are identical
SET nas_usr=Heb ik in gevuld
REM !---- Use the next line to be prompted for the NAS-user password. Preferred solution, safe
REM SET /p nas_pwd=Please provide password for remote user %nas_usr% on \%nas_ip%: ?
REM !---- Use the next line to put the NAS-user password in this file. Non-preferred, unsafe
SET nas_pwd=heb ik ingevuld
REM !---- Modify the following variables according to need; value always between 1 and 254 (incl)
SET /a seconds_between_pings=3
SET /a max_attempts=90
SET /a seconds_of_end_message=10
SET /a min_good_pings=3
REM !---- Use the next line if you want to delete the links to ALL mapped network drives
REM !---- Use the next line(s) (and modify drive-letters) if you want to delete specific mapped network drives
SET /a attempts=1
SET /a good_pings=0
SET display=Waiting for connection to %nas_ip% .
REM !--- Mind the white-space ( ) behind the last period (.) above !
ECHO %display%
REM !--- The following line serves as a "wait" statement
PING -n %seconds_between_pings% -w 1 %nas_ip% >NUL
REM !--- You might (?) need to change "Reply from" below for non-English Windows versions
PING -n 1 -w 200 %nas_ip% | FIND "Antwoord van %nas_ip%" >NUL
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (SET /a good_pings+=1)
IF %good_pings% EQU %min_good_pings% GOTO :conn_established
SET display=%display:. =.. %
SET /a attempts+=1
IF %attempts% LEQ %max_attempts% GOTO :try_again
ECHO Connection to %nas_ip% failed to establish within reasonable time
ECHO Unable to map network drive(s) to %nas_ip%
GOTO :almost_oef
ECHO Connection to %nas_ip% established
ECHO Now mapping network drive(s)
IF N%nas_usr%==N (SET userdata="") ELSE (SET userdata="/USER:%nas_usr% %nas_pwd% ")
rem also OK for XP: IF defined nas_usr (SET userdata="/USER:%nas_usr% %nas_pwd% ") ELSE (SET userdata="")
rem not OK for XP: IF EXIST %%nas_usr%% (SET userdata="/USER:%nas_usr% %nas_pwd% ") ELSE (SET userdata="")
REM !---- add line(s), change drive-letter (e.g. K:) and NAS folder-name (e.g. nas_folder1) according to need
NET USE K: \%nas_ip%\homes %userdata:"=%/PERSISTENT:NO
PING -n %seconds_of_end_message% -w 1 %nas_ip% >NUL