Auteur Topic: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iOS/Android/WP7/Nokia  (gelezen 38389 keer)

Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #30 Gepost op: 28 augustus 2010, 17:16:02 »

SynoLoad v1.5.1 with Dutch has been submitted, and should be out in a few days :)

Thanks to Nick and Alex for the translations !


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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #31 Gepost op: 28 augustus 2010, 23:48:25 »

I just received a mail from Apple: Application is Ready for sale, so it should be out on the AppStore in the coming hours !

They work on the weekend, AND they're quick ! Less than 12 hours from submission to approval, incredible !


Offline Beyond_life

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #32 Gepost op: 30 augustus 2010, 12:32:24 »
Ik heb SAB dankzij @wizjos (HELD!) weer aan de gang dus de aanschaf van Synoload is niet meer nodig. Meneertje vind trouwens dat je hem je IMEI moet opsturen en dan gaat hij een apk opsturen. Belachelijk voor woorden maar het is volgens hem essentieel om veiligheid te kunnen garanderen. Yeah right. Nou ik stuur echt mijn IMEI niet naar Litouwen.
"And on the 8th day God said: "Well Murphy, now you give it a go."

Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #33 Gepost op: 30 augustus 2010, 12:42:39 »
Citaat van: "Beyond_life"
Ik heb SAB dankzij @wizjos (HELD!) weer aan de gang dus de aanschaf van Synoload is niet meer nodig. Meneertje vind trouwens dat je hem je IMEI moet opsturen en dan gaat hij een apk opsturen. Belachelijk voor woorden maar het is volgens hem essentieel om veiligheid te kunnen garanderen. Yeah right. Nou ik stuur echt mijn IMEI niet naar Litouwen.


I ask people for their IMEI to be able to send them an APK for their mobile phone (and only their phone, not their friend's) if those people do not want to go through the normal Android Market channel. This is a solution I found, and if the person doesn't want to send the IMEI, no problem. Go through the Android Market and Google Checkout. It is just a workaround.

Another solution, when some guys ask "can I buy SynoLoad in Norway ?" would be to say "no, wait for Google to provide the Android Market to Norway"... but instead, I provide another way.

But good for you if you're satisfied with SABNZB :)


PS: And by the way, I'm not in Lithuania, I'm in France !

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #34 Gepost op: 30 augustus 2010, 16:24:39 »
I dont care. Its reckless to give away an IMEI.
"And on the 8th day God said: "Well Murphy, now you give it a go."

Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #35 Gepost op: 30 augustus 2010, 16:31:27 »
Citaat van: "Beyond_life"
I dont care. Its reckless to give away an IMEI.

Yeah, you could die ! Jokes aside, you're against giving away your IMEI, I understand.

Have a good day,

Offline Björn

Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #36 Gepost op: 30 augustus 2010, 16:33:07 »
Citaat van: "Beyond_life"
I dont care. Its reckless to give away an IMEI.
Might be, but as Jerome correctly states, you don't need to give him the IMEI. If you purchase the app the regular way through the android market no IMEI is needed or asked.
If you are unable to buy through the appstore - like you are according to your post earlier in this thread - the usual answer of a developer is that you simply cannot buy the app. Your loss. Jerome is very kindly offering a method for you to buy the app using the IMEI, but instead of thanking him for the opportunity he provides, you act very negative and impolite (and in dutch where the rest of this thread is in english). It is just an option offered by Jerome to meet YOUR requirements. If you don't want to give your IMEI you simply don't. The normal way to reply to Jerome seems to me to be something like "Thanks but no thanks, I rather don't give my IMEI".

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #37 Gepost op: 30 augustus 2010, 17:27:42 »
Thanks but no thanks, I rather don't give my IMEI.
"And on the 8th day God said: "Well Murphy, now you give it a go."

Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #38 Gepost op: 31 augustus 2010, 11:53:06 »
Hi all,

SynoLoad HD version 1.5.1 for iPad is now live on the AppStore. Check it out here: ... 11969?mt=8


Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #39 Gepost op: 12 september 2010, 20:25:00 »
Hi all,

If you want to know about updates or new applications, you can follow my twitter account (

I'll post news there, beta test, etc...



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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #40 Gepost op: 23 september 2010, 00:15:45 »
Nothing personal Jerome, but its rediculious that we should pay for the app. It should be a service of Synology!
I`am not dying from 3 euros, but hey we are Dutch ;)

Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #41 Gepost op: 23 september 2010, 07:16:38 »
Citaat van: "yoost"
Nothing personal Jerome, but its rediculious that we should pay for the app. It should be a service of Synology!
I`am not dying from 3 euros, but hey we are Dutch ;)


Synology provides a web interface for your iPhone, where you can add new downloads and monitor others.

I provide a simple way to add new downloads, with 1 click, from the webview, or through rss feeds, or even through custom search engines.

Honestly, I don't see why Synology would make such an application.


Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #42 Gepost op: 05 oktober 2010, 22:13:29 »
Hi all,

Just to let you know, if you didn't notice, that SynoLoad (normal and HD) v1.6 is now live on the AppStore !

- Improved text readability for Retina Display
- Added swipe to delete in the download list
- Added Norwegian translation
- Improved startup time (5 times quicker !)
- Optimized web navigation: speed improvements (twice faster !)
- Optimized connection time (twice faster !)
- Reduced memory consumption (works better on iPhone EDGE and 3G)
- Changed application language in real time (no need to restart the application anymore)
- Automatically select the language based on the device language at first run

Bug fixes:
- Some urls in the searchers make it impossible to download the file
- RSS feeds are not shown if they contain only one item


Offline Beyond_life

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #43 Gepost op: 06 oktober 2010, 11:44:06 »
How about the android version?
"And on the 8th day God said: "Well Murphy, now you give it a go."

Offline fkm

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Re: SynoLoad: Manage your downloads on iPhone/iPad/Android/N
« Reactie #44 Gepost op: 06 oktober 2010, 11:47:36 »

I'm having some technical issues, and a lack of time :)

But it will come out, it's my current priority.




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SynoLoad: Manage downloads on your NAS with your iOS/Android

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