Auteur Topic: Analyse tool voor Hyper backup log files  (gelezen 676 keer)

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Analyse tool voor Hyper backup log files
« Gepost op: 20 maart 2022, 17:26:53 »
Hallo allemaal,

Ik heb een tool geschreven om Hyperbackup log files te kunnen analyseren.

Omdat het tool en de documentatie in het Engels zijn, kopieer ik hier mijn Engelse posting. Als je vragen hebt (ook i.v.m. het Engels) stuur me gerust een mail of een posting.


Hi all,

I could not resist writing a tool to analyze Hyper backup log files.

The trigger for this development was the fact that a Synology Hyperbackup logfile is hardly readable. This is very understandable as Hyperbackup is and needs to be a multitasking tool.

This tool provides insights for the perfect settings of as well as a sound understanding of the performance and behavior of your Hyperbackup configuration.


This tool is basically an Excel worksheet with a pretty extensive macro. You will have to allow the execution of the macro once you load the Excel file. None of the code is protected, you are fully free to review and alter the code (even before execution). Due to the general sensitivity of Excel macros, I calculated SLA-1 hashes.

I had put the Excel macro file to filedropper. I received a warning that my files had been hacked and now is trying to install a virus on your machine. Therefore I removed the link to the file from this posting in January 2023. You can send me an e-mail, in case you'd be interested in receiving it. As soon as I will find time, I will bring it to Github.
The SLA-1 hash of the tool is 45ddf2459d99638dfbc7096bc61cc93447c1210d

The same is valid for the documentation as a .pdf.
The SLA-1 hash of the documentation is 1218815bdc716f283ebc31bcd879ebf0e745fbe8


What does the tool actually do?

The tool parses the Hyperbackup logfile and generates a number of output sheets.

- An overview sheet (“TOC & Instructions for use”) with a clickable summary of all “Backup tasks” including some counters. Here you also can find the buttons to start the analysis, change the settings, read the documentation, etc.

- An overall sheet (“All Events - All Tasks”) with all “Tasks” in which the related start “Event” and the finished (or failed) “Event” are put into one row. Also, the messages in the log file are parsed and added to the row of the event.

- An individual task sheet for each "Backup task”, again with one row per “Task”.


Author: Florian Stadler, The Netherlands

You can reach me under the E-mail (especially set-up for this tool): or via an answer in this forum.

Please contact me if you have questions, encounter logfile entries that are not yet covered, encounter problems, or find bugs....

Feel free to fork this tool and make your own version of it.
In case I will be able to provide updates for functional enhancements and bug fixes, I will post the updated tool again on this forum

This tool has no copyright, but a right to copy. Donations are still welcome, though :-)



- The development of this analysis tool took place on a Windows 10 machine with Excel 2016Pro. The source for the Hyperbackup logfiles that were used for testing is a DS213j NAS with DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 5.

- I still did not find the time to update the tool for a DSM-7 environment (as per January 2023)

- Some error handling has been built-in in case unknown messages would be encountered in your Hyperbackup logfile.
  • Mijn Synology: DS213j

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Re: Analyse tool voor Hyper backup log files
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 21 maart 2022, 10:35:55 »
Mooi initiatief.

Ik het de documentatie en de tool gedownload (de tekst bij de download links staat verkeerd om).
En heb de logs van mijn hyperbackup omgeving op mijn DS draaiende op DSM 7.0.1 upd 2 met hyperbackup versie 3.0.2, gedownload en de tool erop los gelaten.

Ik krijg onderweg echter wat meldingen die ik zo snel niet kan interpreteren.
Zie bijgevoegde screen dump. Als ik die melding ignore dan krijg ik dezelfde melding een aantal regels verder op weer enz enz enz.

Als ik dan de ignore toets kies gaat de tool wel verder en ziet daarna het begin van de input file er in de tool uit als in de 2de bijlage:

  • Mijn Synology: DS918+
  • Extra's: 16GB RAM
DS213+  DSM 6.2  512MB
DS918+  DSM 7.2  16GB + 2*1TB NVME  Cache
VDSM      DSM 7.2

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Re: Analyse tool voor Hyper backup log files
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 21 maart 2022, 11:34:06 »
To address understandable concerns regarding viruses in Excel macros I have added two items to the filedropper:

- See also my note above in the original posting: I had created a .zip file with a .xlsx file (the cover sheet without any code) plus all code extracted from the .xlsm file (including the code used for the extraction)) and put it to filedropper. I received a warning that my files had been hacked and now is trying to install a virus on your machine. Therefore I removed the link to the file from this posting in January 2023. You can send me an e-mail, in case you'd be interested in receiving it. As soon as I will find time, I will bring it to Github.

- See also my note above in the original posting: I had created a folder with all those files individually (all files in a folder instead of the .zip file) and put it to filedropper. I received a warning that my files had been hacked and now is trying to install a virus on your machine. Therefore I removed the link to the file from this posting in January 2023. You can send me an e-mail, in case you'd be interested in receiving it. As soon as I will find time, I will bring it to Github.

Using these files means that you will have to build the tool yourself. In case you'll need support for that (I can imagine that screenshots might be of help), please post a comment here.
  • Mijn Synology: DS213j

Offline floorstadler

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Re: Analyse tool voor Hyper backup log files
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 21 maart 2022, 11:57:54 »
Hoi Zandhaas,

Ik heb het tool ontwikkeld op een Windows 10 machine with Excel 2016Pro. Mijn Hyperbackup logfiles komen van mijn DS213j NAS met DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 5 en Hyperbackup V2.2.9-1520.

Ik zie op het eerste gezicht wat verschillen in de namen van de log file textsen. Zo had ik bv tot nu toe nooit [Network] gezien.

De melding zegt dat het tool de regel met [Network] niet begrijpt. Met RETRY kun je een individuele melding ignoreren, met IGNORE worden de meldingen geteld en het hele log file doorlopen.

Als het goed is krijg je wel alle resultaten aangeboden, op de regels met [Network] na.

Ik kan proberen om [Network] in eerste instantie op dezelfde manier te behandelen als [LOCAL]. Als je wilt kun je me je log file sturen, dan kan ik ermee testen.

Ik zal de URL van de download bestanden gaan aanpassen. Dank voor het doorgeven.
  • Mijn Synology: DS213j

Offline zandhaas

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Re: Analyse tool voor Hyper backup log files
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 21 maart 2022, 13:18:56 »
Ik heb je een PM gestuurd.
  • Mijn Synology: DS918+
  • Extra's: 16GB RAM
DS213+  DSM 6.2  512MB
DS918+  DSM 7.2  16GB + 2*1TB NVME  Cache
VDSM      DSM 7.2


Performance analyse. Ik mis vmstat

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