ik heb de handmatige versie verwijderd en deze SPK gebruikt, alleen doet AutoSub niet veel meer.
Ik zie de pagina maar ik zie geen Wanted en Downloaded onderdelen meer, waar de series staan die nog subs nodig hebben of die gedownload zijn

Dit staat in de log file:
2012-03-27 16:50:10,916 INFO AutoSub: Starting threads
2012-03-27 16:50:10,943 INFO AutoSub: Starting CherryPy webserver
2012-03-27 16:50:11,254 INFO AutoSub: Starting scanDisk thread
2012-03-27 16:50:11,272 INFO AutoSub: scanDisk thread started
2012-03-27 16:50:11,274 INFO AutoSub: Starting checkRss thread
2012-03-27 16:50:15,692 INFO AutoSub: checkRss thread started
2012-03-27 16:50:15,694 INFO AutoSub: Starting checkSub thread
2012-03-27 16:50:15,697 INFO AutoSub: checkSub thread started
2012-03-27 16:50:15,698 INFO AutoSub: Starting downloadSubs thread
2012-03-27 16:50:15,701 INFO AutoSub: downloadSubs thread started
2012-03-27 16:50:15,703 INFO AutoSub: threads started, going into a loop to keep the main thread going
Als ik het script start via telnet krijg ik dit:
DiskStation> python2.6 AutoSub.py
AutoSub: Initializing variables and loading config
Config ERROR: Config section is missing. This is required, it contains vital options! Using default values instead!
Config ERROR: Variable ROOTPATH is missing. This is required! Using current working directory instead.
Config ERROR: Variable ROOTPATH is missing. This is required! Using current working directory instead.
Config ERROR: Variable LOGFILE is missing. This is required! Using 'AutoSubService.log' instead.
Config ERROR: The webserver section is required! Now setting the default values (
Config WARNING: The webserver is started without authentication!
AutoSub: Changing output to log. Bye!
2012-03-27 17:10:09,482 ERROR AutoSub: Could not start webserver. Exiting
Ik heb de config toch echt aangepast, om de een of andere manier snapt ie het niet?

Config.ini ziet er als volgt uit:
username = Donny
password = ***************
webserverport = 8083
webserverip =
loglevel = info
lognum = 1
loglevelconsole = error
logsize = 1000000
subeng = en
checksub = 86400
scandisk = 3600
minmatchscore = 0
checkrss = 1800
rootpath = /volume1/downloads/tv
subnl =
minmatchscorerss = 4
fallbacktoeng = True
postprocesscmd =
path = /volume1/@appstore/AutoSub
logfile = /volume1/logs/autosub/AutoSubService.log
downloadsubs = 1
downloadeng = True