Auteur Topic: Music gone from library after update of audio station  (gelezen 2426 keer)

Offline jnsilvius

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Music gone from library after update of audio station
« Gepost op: 16 oktober 2013, 16:59:22 »
I received an update notice for Audio station which i applied. Now i'm at version 5.1 - 2547.

After the update my music library is almost empty. Is there a bug in this update? Its just the library thats empty, the files are still there.

I've started re-index of my media files, but this might take a while. It's been running for almost 1 day now and so far nothing seems to have changed. My folders are gone in Audio station, so perhaps its pointing to another file share?

What else can i do to get my library back?

Jan-Nico Silvius
  • Mijn Synology: DS213
  • HDD's: 2xWD30EFRX

Offline jnsilvius

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Re: Music gone from library after update of audio station
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 17 oktober 2013, 07:54:29 »
Library is there again :) I think re-indexing did the trick.
  • Mijn Synology: DS213
  • HDD's: 2xWD30EFRX


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