Met het risico dat dit topic al bestaat (kon het niet vinden) - Het lijkt erop dat mijn Synology besmet is met een soort ransom ware: Synolocker
De standaard login pagina vertoont nu een melding dat alle bestanden ge-encrypt zijn en dat er betaald moet worden voor decryptie. Op Google is er bar weinig over te vinden, dus ik hoop dat er iemand op dit forum is die mij kan helpen.
De volledige melding hieronder:
Automated Decryption Service
All important files on this NAS have been encrypted using strong cryptography
List of encrypted files available here.
Follow these simple steps if files recovery is needed:
1.Download and install Tor Browser.
2.Open Tor Browser and visit
http://cypherxffttr7hho.onion. This link works only with the Tor Browser.
3.Login with your identification code to get further instructions on how to get a decryption key.
4.Your identification code is <deleted>
5.Follow the instructions on the decryption page once a valid decryption key has been acquired.
Technical details about the encryption process:
•A unique RSA-2048 keypair is generated on a remote server and linked to this system.
•The RSA-2048 public key is sent to this system while the private key stays in the remote server database.
•A random 256-bit key is generated on this system when a new file needs to be encrypted.
•This 256-bit key is then used to encrypt the file with AES-256 CBC symmetric cipher.
•The 256-bit key is then encrypted with the RSA-2048 public key.
•The resulting encrypted 256-bit key is then stored in the encrypted file and purged from system memory.
•The original unencrypted file is then overwrited with random bits before being deleted from the hard drive.
•The encrypted file is renamed to the original filename.
•To decrypt the file, the software needs the RSA-2048 private key attributed to this system from the remote server.
•Once a valid decryption key is provided, the software search each files for a specific string stored in all encrypted files.
•When the string is found, the software extracts and decrypts the unique 256-bit AES key needed to restore that file.
Note: Without the decryption key, all encrypted files will be lost forever.
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